Ms. Birmingham points out that architectural historians who acknowledge Mahony have tended to focus on her relationships with men and on her physical appearance, often in unflattering terms. (She was frequently described as homely, though Brendan Gill, in "Many Masks," his 1987 biography of Wright, called her a "gaunt, beaky beauty.")

'Fool’s Gold'
Reviewed by PAUL M. BARRETT
An account of how J. P. Morgan bankers invented dangerous new ways of dispersing risk that contributed to the present financial crisis.
or gue·ril·la n.
A member of an irregular, usually indigenous military or paramilitary unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy, as by surprise raids.
ゲリラ 1 [guerrilla]
The Communist Party of Peru (Sendero Luminoso) launched a Maoist ‘protracted people's war’ in 1980, after years of careful preparation around Ayacucho. The name comes from an early pamphlet entitled The Shining Path of José Carlos Mariátegui, the founding father of Peruvian communism. By the late 1980s Sendero was Latin America's most successful guerrilla movement, distinguished by its frequent recourse to terrorism. Sendero leader Abimael Guzman Reynoso was captured in 1992 and the movement declined sharply thereafter.
A brass-colored mineral, FeS2, occurring widely and used as an iron ore and in producing sulfur dioxide for sulfuric acid. Also called fool's gold, iron pyrites.
pyritic py·rit'ic (-rĭt'ĭk) or py·rit'i·cal (-ĭ-kəl) adj.
1 very thin, especially because of illness or hunger:
Her face was gaunt and grey.
2 LITERARY bare and unattractive:
The house looked gaunt and unwelcoming.
noun [U]
'Fool’s Gold'
Reviewed by PAUL M. BARRETT
An account of how J. P. Morgan bankers invented dangerous new ways of dispersing risk that contributed to the present financial crisis.
or gue·ril·la n.
A member of an irregular, usually indigenous military or paramilitary unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy, as by surprise raids.
[Spanish, raiding party, guerrilla force, diminutive of guerra, war, of Germanic origin.]
浩然氏死去 中国の著名な作家
2008年2月20日 21時35分
浩 然氏(こう・ぜん=中国の著名な作家、本名は梁金広=りょう・きんこう)北京晩報によると、20日未明、病気のため北京市内の病院で死去。75歳。
センデロ・ルミノソ - Wikipedia
センデロ・ルミノソ(Sendero Luminoso、スペイン語で“輝ける道”の意)は、ペルーの
書『マリアテギの輝ける道』にちなんで命名された。正式名称「ペルー共産党」。 ...
センデロ・ルミノソ - Wikipedia
書『マリアテギの輝ける道』にちなんで命名された。正式名称「ペルー共産党」。 ...
Political Dictionary: Shining Path
The Communist Party of Peru (Sendero Luminoso) launched a Maoist ‘protracted people's war’ in 1980, after years of careful preparation around Ayacucho. The name comes from an early pamphlet entitled The Shining Path of José Carlos Mariátegui, the founding father of Peruvian communism. By the late 1980s Sendero was Latin America's most successful guerrilla movement, distinguished by its frequent recourse to terrorism. Sendero leader Abimael Guzman Reynoso was captured in 1992 and the movement declined sharply thereafter.
— Richard Gillespie
A brass-colored mineral, FeS2, occurring widely and used as an iron ore and in producing sulfur dioxide for sulfuric acid. Also called fool's gold, iron pyrites.
pyritic py·rit'ic (-rĭt'ĭk) or py·rit'i·cal (-ĭ-kəl) adj.
1 very thin, especially because of illness or hunger:
Her face was gaunt and grey.
2 LITERARY bare and unattractive:
The house looked gaunt and unwelcoming.
noun [U]
adjective |
Definition: |
with big nose: having a large, long, or hooked nose ( informal ) |
━━ n. 水煙; 吸入器, 噴霧器, スプレー, 霧吹き; 噴霧液; (葉・花・実などをつけた)小枝, 枝模様[装飾].
spray2 (sprā)
A small branch bearing buds, flowers, or berries.
Something, such as a decorative motif, that resembles such a branch.
━━ v. 水煙を立てる, 吹きかける; 浴びせる; 霧[殺虫剤]を吹く.
2.31 Venus Modestly Holding Spray
Cupid Playing Football with the World
Wood Engraving
Date of Work: 1929
Edition Size: 300
Catalogue No.: 294
(inches HxW)
5.65" x 5.07"
From Engravings 1928-1933 by Eric Gill, published by Faber, 1934.
Price: £200
Price inclusive of frame, VAT & UK shipping