Сергей Подгорков | "Стрелка" | 1980-е
Sergey Podgorkov | "The Strelka" (Тhe Spit of Vasilyevsky Island) | 1980s
Sergey Podgorkov | "The Strelka" (Тhe Spit of Vasilyevsky Island) | 1980s
The International Polar Year is actually longer than 12 months, having started in March 2007 and ending in March 2009.
The polar regions play a key role in regulating our climate. They are also the most sensitive to change. Just 1,200 km from the North Pole, scientists from all over the world have gathered to monitor what's happening to the climate and how changes affect the life-forms on our planet. Koldewey Station is a polar research base run jointly by Germany's Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research and the French Polar Insitute IPEV, in Ny Alesund, Spitzbergen, the biggest of the islands in the Svalbard archipelago.
(Reporter: Irene Quaile)
Shiretoko, spit
In the land of the rising sun, dawn comes first to a cape of bizarre terrain whose name - Shiretoko -means the end of the earth and, to the south, to a spit of land barely two miles away from islands seized from Japan by the Soviet Union in the closing days of World War II.
Shiretoko, spit
In the land of the rising sun, dawn comes first to a cape of bizarre terrain whose name - Shiretoko -means the end of the earth and, to the south, to a spit of land barely two miles away from islands seized from Japan by the Soviet Union in the closing days of World War II.
spit (LAND)
noun [C]
a long, thin, flat beach which goes out into the sea
spit (LAND)
noun [C]
a long, thin, flat beach which goes out into the sea
Jewish Family Magazine Hits German Newsstands
Interview: Stephanie Raison with Sandra Anusiewicz-Baer.
Germany has the fastest growing Jewish community in Europe, most of them living in and around Berlin. Despite the increasing number of Jews returning to Europe, the newsstands are surprisingly void of Jewish magazines. Now a new quarterly publication is hoping to keep German-speaking Jews up-to-date with everything that's happening in their community. It's called FamilienMentsch, which can be loosely translated as "Jewish Family." The first edition has been out since October. Stephanie Raison spoke with one of the Magazine's editors, Sandra Anusiewicz-Baer, and started by asking her how it got started.
德國猶太人雜誌FamilienMentsch, 英文約為 "Jewish Family."
Mensch (German plural: Menschen) is a German noun meaning a "human" (Yiddish מענטש; also mentsch, mentsh, mensh, or mench, plural: mentschen,
In Yiddish (from which the word has migrated into American English), mensch roughly means "a good person." A "mensch" is a particularly good person, like "a stand-up guy," a person with the qualities one would hope for in a dear friend or trusted colleague. According to author and Yiddish popularist Leo Rosten, 好人益友
[A] mensch is someone to admire and emulate, someone of noble character. The key to being "a real mensch" is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous. (Rosten, Leo. 1968. The Joys of Yiddish. New York: Pocket Books. 237)
n., pl. -goes or -gos.
- A large group of islands: the Philippine archipelago.
- A sea, such as the Aegean, containing a large number of scattered islands.
[Italian Arcipelago, the Aegean Sea, alteration (influenced by arci-, chief, archi-) of Medieval Latin Ēgēopelagus : Latin Aegaeus, Ēgēus, Aegean (from Greek Aigaios) + Latin pelagus, sea (from Greek pelagos).]
━━ n. (pl. ~(e)s) 群島; 多島海; (the A-) エーゲ海.
Research in the Svalbard archipelago
n., pl. -goes or -gos.
Definition of spit
Popularity: Bottom 50% of words
- 1: a slender pointed rod for holding meat over a fire
- 2: a small point of land especially of sand or gravel running into a body of water
spit and polish INFORMAL
careful cleaning and shining:
The car needs some spit and polish.
Google gives new gene mapping service a bit of spit and polish
Guardian Unlimited - UK
But 23andme is worth special note because it has the might of Google behind it. The search engine giant was an early investor in the startup, ...