The Best, at Any Price Necessary
Florentino Pérez, president of Real Madrid football club, will accept nothing short of the biggest, brashest and best football club that money can buy.
FOR CONSERVATIVES, who have traditionally valued their grand theorists more than their campaign consultants, the buildings that house Washington’s premier think tanks are like a second set of grand monuments, symbols of a movement built on brash ingenuity.
His brash demeanor contrasts sharply with that of Hakuho, who is imperturbability personified. I became acutely aware that these two totally opposite grand champions actually complement each other perfectly, something like a pair of contrasting figures in a folding screen painting.
That fall he enrolled as a 16-year-old freshman at Harvard, where he showed up wearing a newly purchased outfit of gold-brown jacket, green-and-blue striped pants and white saddle shoes. Classmates remembered him as brash and jug-eared and full of big talk about his sexual experience. (In fact he had had very little, a lack he quickly set about rectifying.)
Norman Mailer, Towering Writer With a Matching Ego, Dies at 84
His big ears, barrel chest, striking blue eyes and helmet of seemingly electrified hair — jet black at first and ultimately snow white — made him instantly recognizable, a celebrity long before most authors were lured out into the limelight.
at all costs
Also, at any cost or price. Regardless of the expense or effort involved, by any means. For example, Ann told the doctor to preserve her mother's sight at all costs, or It seems the company plans to develop the product at any cost, or I'm determined to get vacation time at any price. [Mid-1800s]
(of people) showing too much confidence and too little respect, or (of clothes) too bright and colourful:
a brash young banker
Don't you think that suit's a bit brash for a funeral?
noun [U]
Definition of batchmate in English:
A classmate.

Sir William Nicholson (British, 1872–1949)
Gold Jug, 1937
oil on canvas
The Royal Collection
Gold Jug, 1937
oil on canvas
The Royal Collection