Did Nokia Pwn Google With its $8 Billion Navteq Buy?
By Terrence Russell
...The digital cartographers over at Navteq have already made a name for themselves by helping to bring map apps like Google Maps to the mobile screen, so the union with Nokia only makes sense for everyone involved ... er, except Google...
司馬賀(Herbert A Simon)約八年前贈其論文:
Economics As A Historical Science(1998, Theoria, Vol 13/2, pp.241-260)
I was a little confused with Theoria because what my impression is it is a Swedish one and quarterly. Anyway, please advise the Greek message in its cover.
Literally, it reads: "The gods do arithmetic," which I think means,
"The gods are mathematicians." 照字面為「神明們作數學」;我以為它的意思是「神明們為數學家。」
Theoria (Greek θεωρία) is Greek for contemplation or perception of beauty as a moral faculty (OED).
「Ruskin說在欣賞藝術時有兩種經驗:一個叫做Aesthesis 就是美感,即吾人對於愉快之本能的感受,一個叫做 Theoria ,就是對藝術的崇高的虔誠的認識。」(梁實秋『文學的美』)