- 1.MUSICrelating to or using notes not belonging to the diatonic scale of the key in which a passage is written.
- 2.relating to or produced by colour.
anachromatic - definition and meaning
https://www.wordnik.com › words › anachromatic
noun In photography, a corrective for achromatism. Relating to an ascending color scale.
DHsu:「{老人與海} 中英對照 閒來無事的看著 當中有 a tinted photograph of his wife 中文譯作 彩色照片
我記憶中 小時候所見的一些彩色照片 事實上是人工著色的 是否是這裡所說得 tinted photograph? 1952年海明威出版此書時 不知道彩色照片是否已經問世?」
adjective [before noun]
(of glass) with colour added:
Tinted glasses (= glasses with slightly darkened lenses) are good for driving in bright sunlight.
The President arrived at the airport in a car with tinted windows (= windows with darkened glass so that people cannot see into the car).
所以 或許指泛黃暗色照片」
DHsu :「今天順便查了 wiki, color photo 在1861年就已出現 所以 tinted photo 的確可能是泛黃的照片。」
n. - 色彩, 淺色
v. tr. - 給...著色, 使受影響, 染
v. intr. - 著色
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 色, ほのかな色, 線ぼかし, 性質, 気味, 淡い色, 陰影
v. - 色を着ける, 陰影を付ける, 色をおびる
━━ n. 色合い; ほのかな色; (赤みなどの)…み; (白色)ぼかし; 染髪剤; (版画の)線ぼかし, けば; (ほのかに)髪を染めること.
━━ vt. 色合いをつける, 薄く色をつける; (髪を)ほのかに染める.
neutral-tinted glass 中性有色玻璃
glass,tinted 染色玻璃
tinted areas 套色區域
tinted (hill) shading 分層設色,地貌(?暈)渲
所謂 tinted photo 的一些樣本可參考
容易搞混 hand colored 與 tinted photo
Some possibilities might include how to achieve the look of certain types of
film (such as Kodachrome), or even how he made the hand colored/tinted photo he ...
retouching. Tinted photographs are made with dyed printing papers
produced by commercial manufacturers. A single overall colour
underlies the image and is most apparent in the highlights and
mid-tones. From the 1870s albumen printing papers were available in
pale pink or blue, and from the 1890s gelatin-silver printing-out
papers in pale mauve or pink were available. There were other kinds of
tinted papers as well. Over time such colouration often becomes very
Toning refers to a variety of methods for altering the overall colour
of the photographic image itself. Compounds of gold, platinum or other
metals are used in combination with variations in development time,
temperature and other factors to produce a range of tones, including
warm browns, purples, sepias, blues, olives, red-browns and
blue-blacks. A well-known type of toning is sepia /Sepia tone. Besides adding
colour to a monochromatic print, toning often improves image stability
and increases contrast.
The ratio of the focal length of a lens to its diameter refers the world over to wavelength 546 nanometers. (For an anachromatic lengths, the ratio is valid for any wavelength in the visible spectrum.)
搞不清楚光學產業很基本的東西,譬如說,focal length 是焦距,我們初中學一些,才知道那是些理想情況說法,實務上學問很多。譬如說,它的說明如下:「自光學系統的像方主點至像方焦點的距離。即對無限遠聚焦時,鏡頭的像方主點至焦面的距離。符號為F。(在下方 )按照JIS-SB 7124 關於焦距的標準規定,通常將光圈置為F 5.6,用峰值波長在 550 NM的綠光,通過平行光管測定焦距。
(感謝 David Hsu賜教:這似乎與可見光的波長有關焦距與鏡片半徑比(之標準化)與可見光之波長有關。 ps. 546 nm 大約是可見光波長的中間值因為可見光之波長為一範圍﹐不同顏色的光會有不同之折射角﹐最後導致顯微鏡或望眼鏡的影像變形﹐至於 anachromatic lens 則是可以解決變形之問題﹐細節我不了解﹐改天問我二弟(他是物理碩士))