2024年3月27日 星期三

colon, colostomy, colorectal, cancer. De-Sinicize, postcolonial. More Young People Than Ever Will Get Colorectal Cancer This Year

More Young People Than Ever Will Get Colorectal Cancer This Year

Colon and rectal cancers are increasing among people younger than 50. Experts have a few ideas about why.


An illustration of a person with an angular-shaped colon in white. In the background the coil shape extends and radiates in concentric circles in pink.

Vegetarian Diet May Cut Colon Cancer Risk

 March 20, 2015

A vegetarian diet, especially one that includes fish, significantly reduces the risk of colorectal cancer, a large new study reports.

親近中國?去中國化?從晚清香港「總督」的翻譯到解殖民「特首」的使用 / 關詩珮
To Embrace Chinese? To De-Sinicize? The Translation of the Term “Governor” in Late Qing Period and the Use of the Term “Chief Executive” in Post-Colonial Hong Kong /
Uganda Sze-pui KWAN

 t's been a life-changing episode because never in my wildest dreams did I think I would end up with a colostomy”

Colorectal cancer is a disease in which cells in the colon or rectum grow out of control. Sometimes it is called colon cancer, for short. The colon is the large intestine or large bowel.
Colon Cancer: Symptoms, Stages & Treatment
Colorectal Cancer: Introduction | Cancer.Net


Definition of postcolonial


occurring or existing after the end of colonial rule:
 the postcolonial government 
postcolonial literature
[名]1 (句読点の)コロン(:):終止符(.), セミコロン(;)の次, コンマ(,)より上位に位置する句読点;付加・詳述・要約・関連説明・対句・同構文の間・手紙の呼びかけ・時間(5:30 p...
[名](複〜s, -la 〔-l〕)《解剖学》結腸.


Pronunciation: /kəˈlɒstəmi/

Definition of colostomy

noun (plural colostomies)

  • a surgical operation in which the colon is shortened to remove a damaged part and the cut end diverted to an opening in the abdominal wall: he underwent a colostomy
  • an opening so formed: [as modifier]:a colostomy bag


late 19th century: from colon2 + Greek stoma 'mouth'

[名](複-mies)[U][C]《外科》結腸切開(術), 人工肛門(こうもん)開設術.
colostomy bag


