2024年3月27日 星期三

reversion, reversionary. “This is our annuity for the future for investing in research,” Mr. Parekh said.

Mr. Parekh is now planning to build a modern research campus and residential community with new SRI buildings and space to attract other high-tech companies. The developer will share revenue from the project with SRI.

“This is our annuity for the future for investing in research,” Mr. Parekh said.

the reversionary interest

1. on Page 30:
"The problem of the reversionary interest was particularly alarming; it was, until Frederick's death in 1751, to pose Pelham the same problems which it posed Walpole. Even without these ... "
2. on Page 70:
"This combination of the reversionary interest and the 'old corps' was as cynical an exercise in political manoeuvre as anything conceived by Pitt's predecessors and opponents; it corresponded closely with what ... "


Definitions from Oxford LanguagesLearn more
  1. a fixed sum of money paid to someone each year, typically for the rest of their life.
    "he left her an annuity of £1,000 in his will"
    • a form of insurance or investment entitling the investor to a series of annual sums.
      "loans secured on an older person's home which are used to purchase a life annuity"

reversion s
noun [S or U]
1 FORMAL a change back to a previous and often worse condition:
The new procedures are being seen as a reversion to old, inefficient ways of working.

2 LEGAL a return of something to its previous owner


━━ n. 逆転, 復帰 ((to)); 帰属 ((to)); 【生物】隔世遺伝; 【法】相続権; (譲渡人への)財産の復帰; 一定の期限後[死後]受け取る金.
re・ver・sion・al ━━ a.
 ━━ a.
reversionary annuity 【保険】生残(せいざん)年金.

adj. Law.

Of or connected with the reversion of an estate.


