2024年3月27日 星期三

facial recognition, in sheep's clothing, crotch, unclothed, cinematic nudity. The impacts cascaded through the food web, affecting.Israel Deploys Expansive Facial Recognition Program in Gaza

The decline coincides with "the blob," a severe marine heat wave that raised water temperatures from Alaska to California. The impacts cascaded through the food web, affecting fish, birds and whales.

China's military power: Modernisation in sheep's clothing

 Attempting facial recognition on images like those released by the FBI Thursday is out of the question, Jain says. However, there may be other images and videos available that contain a better view that could be high quality enough, he says. “You could search all the other images based on clothing,” he says, “[and then] you could locate the same person and collect multiple images.”

Women are almost three times more likely to appear unclothed on screen than men, according to a new report. Cinematic nudity has been a controversial topic for over a century
The law remains vague on when naughty bits may be seen on screen

(klō'THĭng) pronunciation
  1. Clothes considered as a group; wearing apparel.
  2. A covering.

n. - 枝丫, 褲襠, 胯部, 叉架

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 股

The term crotch (or crutch) may be used to describe the region of an object (a trunk) where it splits into two or more limbs. This can include trees, animals, buildings, in wiring diagrams, etc.
In humans, the crotch is loosely defined as the bottom of the pelvis, the region of the body where the legs join the torso, and is sometimes considered to include the groin and genitals.
In clothing, the crotch is the area of a pair of trousers (pants) or shorts where the legs join together. The bottom of the crotch defines one end of the inseam.

crotch 指"鳥'?


