2024年12月29日 星期日

Bring Up the Bodies《提堂》


Bring Up the Bodies

Hilary Mantel 2012

The title comes from an old English legal phrase for summoning men who have been accused of treason to trial; in the court’s eyes, effectively, they are already dead. But Mantel’s tour-de-force portrait of Thomas Cromwell, the second installment in her vaunted “Wolf Hall” series, thrums with thrilling, obstinate life: a lowborn statesman on the rise; a king in love (and out of love, and in love again); a mad roundelay of power plays, poisoned loyalties and fateful realignments. It’s only empires, after all.

《提堂》(英語:Bring Up the Bodies)是希拉蕊·曼特爾的一部歷史小說,是她的獲獎小說《狼廳》的續集,亨利八世的親信大臣托馬斯·克倫威爾興衰三部曲的第二部。該書榮獲2012年的布克獎科斯塔圖書獎。三部曲的最後一部小說《鏡與光》(The Mirror and the Light)於2020年3月出版。

希拉蕊·曼特爾 2012



