2024年12月29日 星期日

degrading, profane, uninitiated, initiation. karen. sportscaster. High-Profile Sportscaster for Over 5 Decades

Greg Gumbel Dies at 78; High-Profile Sportscaster for Over 5 Decades


Karen is a term used as slang typically for a middle-class white American woman who is perceived as entitled or excessively demanding.

U.S. and Britain Carry Out Large-Scale Strikes on Houthi Targets in Yemen

The strikes were aimed at degrading the capabilities of the Iranian-backed militants that have continued to attack ships in the Red Sea.

The L.P.G.A. Tour and Donald Trump: It’s Complicated

L.P.G.A. golfers paint the president as a respectful supporter of women, a picture that contrasts with his record of degrading comments, our columnist writes.

Where should Croatia and Slovenia draw the line?

To the uninitiated, Balkan politics can seem inpenetrable. And a border
dispute involving two other former Yugoslav republics is perhaps providing
more evidence of that.

The DW-WORLD Article

A sportscaster is a person who provides news and commentary about sports on television or radioDescribes the action of a sports event, Gives news about sports, Hosts a sports talk show, and Covers sports news. 
Synonyms of sportscaster include sports announcer and sports commentator. 
  • Sportscaster Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
    Britannica Dictionary definition of SPORTSCASTER. [count] US. : someone who describes the action of a sports event or gives news a...
  • SPORTSCASTER definition | Cambridge English Dictionary


Not knowledgeable or skilled; inexperienced.
An uninformed, unskilled, or inexperienced person or group of people. Often used with the: “What's the difference, the uninitiated may ask, between eggshell white and wedding gown white?” (Wall Street Journal).

initiate (TEACH)
verb [T]
to teach someone about an area of knowledge, or to allow someone into a group by a special ceremony:
At the age of eleven, Harry was initiated into the art of golf by his father.
Each culture had a special ritual to initiate boys into manhood.

noun [C] FORMAL
a person who has recently joined a group and has been taught its secrets

noun [C or U]
when someone is first introduced to an activity or skill:
My initiation into the mysteries of home brewing was not a success.

The adjective degrading has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: harmful to the mind or morals
Synonym: corrupting
根据他们的界定,所谓“贬低人格”(翻譯不佳 degrading)的歌词,指的就是把性视为行为而非感情,以及把性与施展权力联系起来的歌词。
Meaning #2: used of conduct; characterized by dishonor
Synonym: debasing
Tending or intended to degrade: “There is nothing so degrading as the constant anxiety about one's means of livelihood” (W. Somerset Maugham).


(prō-fān', prə-) pronunciation

  1. Marked by contempt or irreverence for what is sacred.
  2. Nonreligious in subject matter, form, or use; secular: sacred and profane music.
图像记载与文字叙述一样,形式与惯例在其中起着复杂的作用。 例如,提香1514年的《神圣的爱和世俗的爱》描绘两个女子,一个穿衣,另一个裸露全身。她们哪一位代表神圣的爱呢?熟悉16世纪意大利文 化和绘画代码的人,一望而知那裸女象征神圣之爱,因为当时复兴了柏拉图时代的古希腊理想,将神圣的爱与美丽的裸体维纳斯相联系。
  1. Not admitted into a body of secret knowledge or ritual; uninitiated.
  2. Vulgar; coarse.
tr.v., -faned, -fan·ing, -fanes.
  1. To treat with irreverence: profane the name of God.
  2. To put to an improper, unworthy, or degrading use; abuse.
[Middle English prophane, from Old French, from Latin profānus, from prō fānō, in front of the temple : prō-, before, outside; see pro–1 + fānō, ablative of fānum, temple.]
profanatory pro·fan'a·to'ry (prō-făn'ə-tôr'ē, -tōr'ē, prə-) adj.
profanely pro·fane'ly adv.
profaner pro·fan'er n.



━━ a. 冒涜(ぼうとく)の, 不敬な; 世俗的な; 異[邪]教的な.
━━ vt. (神聖を)けがす, 冒涜する; 濫用する.
 ━━ n. (神聖)冒涜(ぼうとく).
pro・fane・ly ━━ ad.
pro・fane・ness ━━ n.
 ━━ n. 冒涜(ぼうとく), 不敬; 冒涜的なことば(の使用).


