2024年2月6日 星期二

The term Swiftie, Swiftiedom. With the show now more widely available on Netflix, younger viewers are watching with a critical eye. But its longtime millennial and Gen X fans can’t quit.

The characters Miranda, Charlotte, Samantha and Carrie from “Sex and the City” stand with expressions of mild shock looking ahead.

As ‘Sex and the City’ Ages, Some Find the Cosmo Glass Half-Empty

With the show now more widely available on Netflix, younger viewers are watching with a critical eye. But its longtime millennial and Gen X fans can’t quit.

Oct 12, 2023 — One can enter Swiftiedom at any level: avocation or vocation, background music or full-time job. Being a Swiftie at the highest level means ...

 The term Swiftie refers to a fan of musician Taylor Swift. It is commonly used as a self-identifying term by Swift fans and by others to refer to Swift fans. Calling someone a Swiftie often implies that they are a very passionate and loyal fan—as opposed to just a casual listener.Dec 1, 2023


