Free and fair elections are just the start of what’s required to bring stability and prosperity to Pakistan, writes Husain Haqqani in a guest essay
Free and fair elections are just the start of what’s required to bring stability and prosperity to Pakistan, writes Husain Haqqani in a guest essay
It partly depends on the definition of homelessness. Britain has two categories: "rough sleeper", meaning someone who sleeps on the streets; and "statutory homelessness" for people who are in temporary accommodation or otherwise at risk of losing the roof over their head. America, Ireland and Sweden use the same two categories under different names.
F.B.I. Agents Get Leeway to Push Privacy Bounds
The F.B.I. plans to issue a new edition of its manual giving agents more leeway to search databases, go through household trash or use surveillance teams to scrutinize people.A defence minister has indicated that the military covenant, which promises a duty of care to the Armed Forces, may be put on a formal legal footing.
On Monday, the prime minister is expected to announce the covenant is to be put on a statutory basis for the first time and he will formally extend it to include all members of the armed forces.
It is thought the legislation will set out some broad principles rather than pledges on specific entitlements.
Time Warner Seeks Leeway for AOL Assets
Time Warner is seeking changes to debt covenants that restrict the company from transferring AOL assets, a sign that it may be preparing a spinoff.
朱熹(1130-1200) 的「鄉約」,有人翻譯作 "community compact"。
這兒的COMPACT(━━ n., vi. 協定.),在英文辭點都採該字眼的第二義(第一義經常會遇到譬如說 compact car 指中型車……):
The Lexus Covenant
Pronunciation: /ˈstatjʊt(ə)ri, -tʃʊ-/
Translate statutory | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish adjective
2 制定法に従う;法律上罰せられる.
[副]statutory rape
com·pact 2 (kŏm'păkt') n.
An agreement or a covenant. See synonyms at bargain.
[Latin compactum, neuter past participle of compacīscī, to make an agreement : com-, com- + pacīscī, to agree; see pact.]
An act or state of agreeing between parties regarding a course of action: accord, agreement, arrangement, bargain, deal, pact, understanding. See agree/disagree.
A legally binding arrangement between parties: agreement, bond, contract, convention, covenant, pact. See agree/disagree.
An agreement, especially one involving a sale or exchange: bargain, contract, covenant, deal, transaction. See agree/disagree.
An agreement, treaty, or con- tract.
The term compact is most often applied to agreements among states or between nations on matters in which they have a common concern.
The Constitution contains the Compact Clause, which prohibits one state from entering into a compact with another state without the consent of Congress.
- A binding agreement; a compact. See synonyms at bargain.
- Law.
- A formal sealed agreement or contract.
- A suit to recover damages for violation of such a contract.
- In the Bible, God's promise to the human race.
v., -nant·ed, -nant·ing, -nants.
To promise by or as if by a covenant.
To enter into a covenant.
[Middle English, from Old French, from present participle of convenir, to agree. See convene.]
covenantal cov'e·nant'al (-năn'tl) adj.covenantally cov'e·nant'al·ly adv.
- The drift of a ship or an aircraft to leeward of the course being steered.
- A margin of freedom or variation, as of activity, time, or expenditure; latitude. See synonyms at room.
1 〈物が〉小型で持ち運びしやすい;〈家・車などが〉こぢんまりして経済的な
a compact camera
2 ぎっしり詰まった;目の詰んだ;堅く締まった;(比較的小区域に)密集した.コンパクトカメラ
3 〈体格が〉よく引き締まった,がっしりした.
4 〈文章が〉簡潔な,引き締まった.
5 (…で)できた,(…から)成る((of ...)).
6 《数学》〈集合・空間などが〉コンパクトな.
━━[動] 〔kəmpǽkt〕 (他)
1 ((通例受身))…を密集させる,ぎっしり詰める;…を固める;…を凝縮させる,圧縮する
2 …を強固にする,安定させる.
3 …を結合して作る,構成する.
1 ((通例受身))…を密集させる,ぎっしり詰める;…を固める;…を凝縮させる,圧縮する
2 …を強固にする,安定させる.
3 …を結合して作る,構成する.
━━(自) (←(他) )固まる.
━━[名] 〔kɑ'mpækt | kɔ'm-〕
1 (化粧用の)コンパクト.
2 ((米))(特に経済設計の)小型自動車(compact car).
1 (化粧用の)コンパクト.
2 ((米))(特に経済設計の)小型自動車(compact car).
[ラテン語compactus (com-共に+-pangere堅く締める+-tus過去分詞語尾=ぎっしり詰まった). △COMPACT2, PACT(約束)]