2023年9月22日 星期五

raised concerns of disorganization, a country of many nations

South Africa is a country of many nations—rugby brings them together. As the Springboks play at the Rugby World Cup in France, revisit our story from 2021: https://econ.st/452u5DM

Photo: Gallo Images/Getty Images

A Rush to Build Defenses in Europe, but Little Consensus on How

A push by more than 30 allied countries to arm themselves, precipitated in part by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, has raised concerns of disorganization.

“It isn’t a house problem,” he went on. “It’s a person problem. The person needs to fundamentally change their behavior.”
Excessive clutter and disorganization are often symptoms of a bigger health problem. People who have suffered an emotional trauma or a brain injury often find housecleaning an insurmountable task. Attention deficit disorder, depression, chronic pain and grief can prevent people from getting organized or lead to a buildup of clutter. At its most extreme, chronic disorganization is called hoarding, a condition many experts believe is a mental illness in its own right, although psychiatrists have yet to formally recognize it.
Compulsive hoarding is defined, in part, by clutter that so overtakes living, dining and sleeping spaces that it harms the person’s quality of life. A compulsive hoarder finds it impossible, even painful, to part with possessions. It’s not clear how many people suffer from compulsive hoarding, but estimates start at about 1.5 million Americans.

A Clutter Too Deep for Mere Bins and Shelves


  1. lack of proper planning and control.
    "social disorganization is destroying the wellbeing of the population"
    • inability to plan one's activities or affairs efficiently.
      "if you frequently lose your keys you may be suffering from chronic disorganization"

noun [U]
(a lot of objects in) a state of untidiness:
Sorry about the clutter in the kitchen.
My desk is covered in/full of clutter.

verb [T]
to fill something in an untidy or badly organized way:
The kids always clutter the hall (up) with school bags and coats and stuff.
Every shelf is cluttered with ornaments.
FIGURATIVE I try not to clutter (up) my mind with useless information.

a cluttered desk/room

━━ n. 乱雑さ; 混乱.
 in a clutter とり散らかして.
━━ vt. とり乱す, 散らかす ((up)).
━━ vi. ばたばた走る; 騒ぐ.


