2023年9月22日 星期五

日報】106:China-sceptic, skepticism, tailings, laud, kick in, plow into, the threat from Beijing is not going away

The announcement that the 92-year-old is stepping down as chairman of Fox Corporation and News Corp, the television and newspaper empires he has built up over more than 70 years, should be treated with some scepticism: https://econ.st/3PRd23b
Photo credit: Getty Images

Tsai Ing-wen’s support for Hong Kong’s protesters seems to have boosted her chance of winning

But the threat from Beijing is not going away

Taiwan’s China-sceptic president may win again
But the threat from Beijing is not going away

World Regains Taste for Risk
Investors are aggressively returning to developing-world markets, driving stocks up 50% since the beginning of March. This month, investors plowed $4 billion into emerging-market investment funds.

The LAT devotes its front page to coverage of a horrific passenger train crash in Los Angeles, which killed 15 and injured 135. Safety mechanisms didn't kick in, allowing the train to plow head-on into a freight train headed in the opposite direction.

Swiss bank UBP put hundreds of millions of clients' money in Madoff's alleged Ponzi scheme, despite internal researchers' skepticism.

Amazon called its 2008 holiday shopping season "the best ever," despite a series of predictions for weakness even for online sales.

The Daily Yomiuri - Osaka,Japan
The biggest focus of Wednesday's Japan-China summit talks was the extent to which the two leaders could hammer out practical measures for the two countries' ...


World in Progress | 14.12.2008 | 09:30

Mining Safety in China

Recently, the governor of China’s Shanxi Province, Meng Xuenong, was forced to resign after an illegal tailings dam burst and killed over 200 people. This is just the latest mining-related disaster in a province which is renowned for its poor record on mine safety.

Shanxi is home to 30 percent of the country’s coal reserves and 80 percent of counties in the province rely on coal to feed their local economies. So while the central and local governments have been working hard to close mines with bad safety measures, it’s not always an easy job.

tailings Refuse or dross remaining after ore has been processed.


━━ n. (pl.) くず, 残りかす.


verb [T] FORMAL
to praise:
The German leadership lauded the Russian initiative.


━━ n., vt. 賛美(する), 称賛(する); 賛歌; 【カトリック】(Lauds) 朝の祈り.
 laud・a・ble ━━ a. 称賛すべき.
laud・a・bil・i・ty n.
laud・a・bly ad.
 lau・da・tion ━━ n. 称賛, 賛美.
 laud・a・tive ━━ a. 称賛の.

scepticUS skeptic
noun [C]
a person who doubts the truth or value of an idea or belief:
People say it can cure colds, but I'm a bit of a sceptic.
to convince the sceptics

sceptical, US skeptical
doubting that something is true or useful:
Many experts remain sceptical about/of his claims.

scepticallyUS skeptically

scepticism, US skepticism
noun [U]
The company's environmental claims have been greeted/regarded/treated with scepticism by conservationists.

kick in
  1. Informal. To contribute (one's share): kicked in a few dollars for the office party.
  2. Informal. To become operative or take effect: “His pituitary kicked in, and his growth was suddenly vertical” (Kenneth Browser).
  3. Slang. To die.


plow into

Strike with force, crash into; also, attack vigorously. For example, The truck plowed into the retaining wall, or Carol plowed into the pile of correspondence. This expression transfers the force of the farmer's plow to other enterprises. [Late 1800s]


