Nick Cave for the Home
The politically engaged artist, whose work is now on display at the Guggenheim Museum, talks about his new line of fabrics.
With the art market today increasingly in love with street art, it is easy to forget that street art is often used as a political tool...Whether it is used to hold up a mirror to society or reiterate a specific message, street art is a potent political tool.
The 11 Criminals Granted Clemency by Trump Had One Thing in Common: Connections
The process bypassed the formal procedures used by past presidents and was driven instead by friendship, fame, personal empathy and a shared sense of persecution.
Because computer chips are rigid, so are the electronic devices they power. A new, inexpensive method for producing stacks of flexible semiconducting films may be the key to manufacturing stretchy electronics for a wide variety of uses.
Next-generation devices made with new “peel and stack” method may include electronic chips worn on the skin.

Engineers mix and match materials to make new stretchy electronics
Next-generation devices made with new “peel and stack” method may include electronic chips worn on the skin.
IBM surprised by Avantor lawsuit, calls claims exaggerated
(Reuters) - IBM, which is being sued by chemicals manufacturer Avantor Performance Materials for fraud and breach of contract in connection with a software project, said the accusations were blown out of proportion and that it was surprised by the move.
Hit Hard by 9/11, a Piece of Queens Struggles to Let Go
The terrorist attacks scythed through generations of firefighters and Wall Street traders in the largely Irish-Catholic neighborhoods on the Rockaway peninsula. Also, the neighborhood's Muslim bagel man; and the connection between the 9/11 families and wounded American soldiers. Graffiti has come a long way since the spray can and the Brooklyn hip hop scene. These days it's morphed into the catch-all genre of "street art", where artists from all over the world stencil, sticker and install sculptures in public spaces. Celebrating this artistic diversity is a Berlin-based exhibition called "Backjumps, The Live Issue". It initially began as an underground graffiti magazine about hip hop and aerosol culture. But then five years ago, its founder and curator Adrian Nabi, decided he wanted to take the concept further by turning Berlin into a 3-dimensional magazine. Backjumps now features all kinds of street art, exhibited in different venues around Germany's capital.
A stretchy fabric knitted with interlocking stitches by alternating sets of needles on a circular knitting machine.
stretchy とは【意味】伸びる,伸縮性のある... 【例文】a stretchy cloth...
(2) 〈交通機関が〉…と連絡[接続]して.
1 [U] [C] (…との(間の))つながり, 関係, 関連(性);(社会的な)関係, 交渉((with, between ...))
2 [U] つなぐこと, 接続, 結合.
4 (飛行機・列車・バスなどの)連絡, 接続;連絡列車[飛行機, バス, 船];((しばしば〜s))(列車などの)乗り換え
5 [U] [C] (特に結婚による)親類(関係);((通例〜s))有力な知人[親類], 縁故, コネ(pull).
6 [U] [C] (電話の)連絡, 通信
7 仲間, 団体;得意先, 顧客.
8 [U] [C] 結びつけて考えること, 連想;(語・文の)前後関係, 脈絡, 文脈;(思想・表現の)一貫性, 連続性
9 ((俗))(麻薬の)売人(ばいにん);(麻薬の)密売ルート.
in connection with ...
(1) …に関連して(in regard to).(2) 〈交通機関が〉…と連絡[接続]して.
in this [that] connection