2023年1月16日 星期一

jumbotron, puppy, calf, jumbo, pachyderm, Madison Square Garden

Lawyers Barred by Madison Square Garden Found a Way Back In

MSG Entertainment used facial recognition technology to kick out legal foes, but some have evaded the ban by using a 1941 law that protects theater critics.


Benjamin Noren is standing on stairs in front of Madison Square Garden, leaning on a handrail, holding a coffee cup.
Benjamin Noren, a lawyer with Davidoff Hutcher & Citron, is on a list of lawyers banned from Madison Square Garden. Gili Benita for The New York Times

The folding chairs are all in place, the jumbotrons are being tested, and Nathan Hale has an elevated view for Yale’s 314th commencement on Monday.

During the singer’s appearance, Fallon took the opportunity to poke fun at her fondness for dancing at live events. He also mentioned that he missed the days when Swift would only dance with him on the jumbotron at sporting events. What followed was a montage of the two dancing their way through games of all of New York’s major sports teams, including the Brooklyn Nets, New York Giants and New York Islanders.

A young dog is a puppy. What's a young elephant called? A young elephant is called a calf. After a 22-month gestation, calves are born at around 250 pounds (115 kilograms), and over 2.5 feet (75 centimeters) tall. Nearly blind at birth, the calf relies heavily on his trunk to sense his new world. One of history's most famous elephants, Jumbo, was captured as a calf in the area that is now Mali. He spent a few years in a Paris zoo, then was transferred to the London Zoo, where he was given the name Jumbo — thought to be a takeoff of one of two Swahili words: jambo, meaning "hello," or jumbe, meaning "chief." P.T. Barnum bought the pachyderm fifteen years later. He arrived in New York, and was paraded up Broadway to Madison Square Garden on April 9, 1882. Jumbo died in 1885, after he was hit by a train.
"My roommate got a pet elephant. Then it got lost. It's in the apartment somewhere." — Steven Wright

Madison Square Garden - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
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​a large building in New York City, opened in 1969, where major sports and cultural events are held. The main area has 20 000 seats.

1 厚皮動物(象・カバ・サイなど);(特に)象.
2 厚かましい[鉄面皮の]人;鈍感な人.

jumboLine breaks: jumbo
Pronunciation: /ˈdʒʌmbəʊ informal

Definition of jumbo in English:

NOUN (plural jumbos)

1very large person or thing.
1.1(also jumbo jet) A very large airliner (originallyand specifically a Boeing 747).


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Very large:a jumbo pad


early 19th century (originally of a person): probably the second element of mumbo jumbo. Originally denoting a large and clumsy person, the term was popularized as the name of an elephant at London Zoo, sold in 1882 to the Barnum and Bailey circus.

JumbotronSyllabification: Jum·bo·tron
Pronunciation: /ˈjəmbōˌträn/

Entry from US English dictionary

Definition of Jumbotron in English:


A large-screen television designed to accommodate a very large venue, such as a sports stadium.


1980s: created as JumboTron by the original manufacturer, Sony Corporation.


