2020年5月14日 星期四

flatshare. chill-times, no-no, sleep-optimised

In a San Francisco house share the cost of rent is high, the smell of weed is strong and life is organised on Slack, a group messaging system. At #chill-times, flatmates gather around the dining table for stir fry and conversation. But don't crack open a beer – alcohol is a no-no in sleep-optimised Silicon Valley. From 1843

Inside a San Francisco commune


I tried to drink beer in my San Francisco flatshare. It didn’t go well

Chill Time is the name given to time difference between when one noticed a new friend request on Facebook to when one actually accepts it. This is a new phenomenon because of how mobile devices can alert you any time any where of a ...

  1. a thing that is not possible or acceptable.
    "perming highlighted hair used to be a definite no-no, but it's now possible"


