Weinstein has been found guilty of sexual assaults.

Daily chart
Despite #MeToo, opinions on sexual harassment have barely budged
Men and women still disagree on what constitutes it
Graphic detail
Feb 20th 2020
MORE THAN TWO years have passed since the New York Times and the New Yorker first reported allegations of sexual harassment against Harvey Weinstein. This week a jury in Manhattan may deliver a verdict for the disgraced film producer, on charges that include rape, criminal sexual assault and predatory sexual assault. Much has changed for Mr Weinstein since allegations against him emerged, sparking a global reckoning over sexual abuse by powerful men. He and his film studio face a $25m bill to settle civil lawsuits brought by his alleged victims. If convicted in his criminal case, he could spend the rest of his life in prison.
But have views on the treatment of women changed in the wake of #MeToo? In October 2017 The Economist commissioned YouGov, a pollster, to survey 1,500 American adults about their attitudes towards sexual harassment. Respondents were asked whether 12 different acts—from “asking for a drink” to “requesting a sexual favour”—constituted harassment. The exercise was repeated in October 2018 and again last year.
A passenger filming during a weather-related ground hold captured this incredible video of lightning striking a Delta plane in Atlanta.
Apart from the odd fond memory, the only good thing either really have going for them is their legality. If either had been outlawed I'd probably have drunk myself blind on cheap illegal moonshine or knifed you and your family in the eye to fund my cigarette habit.
Tracing Fake Avastin to the Mideast
About three years before counterfeit copies of Roche's cancer drug Avastin surfaced in the U.S., a case in Syria involved fakes of the same drug.
Phony Avastin Has a Backstory
A case in Syria involving fake copies of Roche Holding AG's cancer drug Avastin shows that the company has been grappling with bootlegging of the product for years, even before the recent high-profile case of counterfeits surfacing in the U.S.
ground hold
Denying Accusations of Sexual Harassment, the Mayor of San Diego Resigns
Mayor Bob Filner, who was accused by 18 women of groping and kissing them, apologized to his accusers, but denied their claims.
Woman Accuses Cain of Groping; He Denies Charge
Sharon Bialek stepped forward on Monday, putting a face and a name for the first time to accusations of sexual harassment against Herman Cain.
ground hold
Ground stop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
all moonshine
WASHINGTON — The United States has lodged a formal protest with the government in Beijing. saying five Chinese ships harassed an American surveillance vessel in international waters, in actions the Pentagon described as illegal, unprofessional and dangerous..
China Nepstar Chain Drugstore Announces New Management Team Members
Reuters - USA
Under his leadership, Watson opened 270 stores in mainland China and 400 stores in Taiwan, and launched groundbreaking hypermarkets in mainland China. ...
Wikipedia article "North Country (film)".
此地HBO放映A fictionalized account of one of America's most groundbreaking sexual harassment lawsuits comes to the screen in this hard-hitting drama.
《年齡騷擾(エイジ・ハラスメント)》(簡稱エイハラ age harassment )
If something is ground-breaking, it is very new and a big change from other things of its type:
His latest film is interesting, but not ground-breaking.
verb [T]
to continue to annoy or upset someone over a period of time:
Stop harassing me!
anxious, annoyed and tired, especially because you have too many things to deal with:
The supermarket was full of harassed-looking mothers with young children.
noun [U]
behaviour that annoys or upsets someone:
sexual harassment
Jordan 23
- 89 Units in Stock
- Manufactured by: NIKE
verb [T]
to continue to annoy or upset someone over a period of time:
Stop harassing me!
anxious, annoyed and tired, especially because you have too many things to deal with:
The supermarket was full of harassed-looking mothers with young children.
noun [U]
behaviour that annoys or upsets someone:
sexual harassment
The noun bootleg has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: whiskey illegally distilled from a corn mash
Synonyms: moonshine, corn liquor
Meaning #2: the part of a boot above the instep
The verb bootleg has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: sell illicit products such as drugs or alcohol
Meaning #2: produce or distribute illegally
The adjective bootleg has one meaning:
Meaning #1: distributed or sold illicitly
Synonyms: black, black-market, contraband, smuggled
- Moonlight.
- Informal. Foolish talk or thought; nonsense.whatever I said, it was moonshine
- Illegally distilled whiskey. Also called white lightning.
To distill and sell liquor illegally.
moonshiner moon'shin'er n.