The classical world is often used as a lens through which to examine modernity. This trick can easily go awry: the past was not just the present in togas, as some historians would do well to remember. But Edward Watts pulls it off deftly
The Dress Code at the Nobel Festivities - NobelPrize.org
The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm and the Nobel Banquet that follows ... Gentlemen are required to wear white tie and tails, while ladies should be ... have worked independently to select
今年沒有文學獎,但負責文學獎的瑞典學院的秘書長Sara Danius仍有出席,她的衣著對不少人來說卻不敢恭維,被形容為「火山裝」或「爆炸紅鸛裝」。

Clothes impress and infuriate at Nobel banquet - Radio Sweden
Clothes impress and infuriate at Nobel banquet
Celebrities used their choice of clothes to make a statement at the Nobel banquet - and it was not always appreciated.
Although there's a crisis in the Swedish Academy and no Literature Nobel this year, the ousted former leader of the Academy was at the event, Sara Danius making a splash in a dress and cape which has been described as a "volcano" or an "exploding flamingo."
Crown princess Victoria chose to highlight this year's trend of recycled clothing by wearing a dress her mother the queen had worn to a Nobel banquet over 20 years ago.
But it was an international celebrity's choice of clothing that was perhaps the most controversial - U2 bass guitarist The Edge wore his trademark beanie hat while he attended as guest of one of the laureates. "I would say no, no, no. Naughty naughty" says Aftonbladet's royal court expert Jenny Alexandersson.
The Welshman defended his breach of etiquette, telling SVT in an interview that it was "cold outside".
The toga, a distinctive garment of Ancient Rome, was a roughly semicircular cloth, between 12 and 20 feet in length, draped over the shoulders and around the body. It was usually woven from white wool, and was worn over a tunic. Wikipedia
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In the United States, a beanie is a head-hugging brimless cap, with or without a visor, made from triangular sections of cloth joined by a button at the crown and ...