2018年12月11日 星期二

tamal, peekaboo, drab, in dribs and drabs

Opinion: Robert Mueller has been investigating for 19 months, and the FBI’s counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign began in July 2016, if not earlier. The country deserves an account of what Mr. Mueller knows, not more factual dribs and drabs in sentencing memos, writes The Editorial Board.
The book was written in dribs and drabs: each new chapter circulated among family and friends, often in exchange for a meal and a pitcher of wine.
Films Reach Theaters a Drib Here, Drab There
At least a dozen of the supposedly hottest contenders in the Oscar race are being teased out to the public in peekaboo release patterns.

Chiapas green is the golden green of fair-trade coffee beans ready for roasting, and the translucent olive drab of banana leaves wrapped around steaming tamales, and a Day-Glo pear growing in a backyard orchard.

Two children playing peekaboo (1895 painting by Georgios Jakobides).

Peekaboo (also spelled peek-a-boo) is a game played primarily with a baby. In the game, one player hides his or her face, pops back into the view of the other, and says Peekaboo!, sometimes followed by I see you! There are many variations: for example, where trees are involved, "Hiding behind that tree!" is sometimes added. Another variation involves saying "Where's the baby?" while the face is covered and"There's the baby!" when uncovering the face.

A negligible amount: finished the work in dribs and drabs.
[Perhaps from DRIBLET.]


Mexican; maize-meal pancake, similar to tortilla, but made with fat. Traditionally cooked inside the soft husks of maize.


━━ n., a. (-bb-) 淡褐色(の); 単調(な).
drab・ly ━━ ad.
drab・ness ━━ n.


(drăb) pronunciation

adj., drab·ber, drab·best.
    1. Of a dull grayish to yellowish brown.
    2. Of a light olive brown or khaki color.
  1. Faded and dull in appearance.
  2. Dull or commonplace in character; dreary: a drab personality. See synonyms at dull.
  1. A dull grayish to yellowish or light olive brown.
  2. Cloth of this color or of an unbleached natural color.
[Alteration of obsolete French drap, cloth, from Old French. See drape.]

dribs and drabs
drɪbz (ə)n ˈdrabz/
  1. in small scattered or sporadic amounts.
    "more folk followed in dribs and drabs"


