Why One Upscale Apartment Building Became a Death Trap
A Times investigation uncovered how flawed design and minimal oversight proved fatal when a major earthquake struck southern Turkey.
Protection Bureau proposed a rule that would allow the agency to supervise two significant corners of the financial industry that until now have largely evaded federal scrutiny.
The recent economic crisis revealed that a passive board of directors, which obeys the law but does not provide meaningful oversight, is a hindrance and handicap for any corporation. Corporate directors can — and should — play a much more active role in overseeing risk and avoiding major crises.
- An unintentional omission or mistake.
- Watchful care or management; supervision.
1 見過ごし, 不注意;[C] 不注意な誤 り, 手落ち.
2 監督, 監視
have oversight of ...
… を監督する.
… を監督する.
- To watch over and direct; supervise. See synonyms at supervise.
- To subject to scrutiny; examine or inspect.
回覆刪除Bringing Responsible Oversight to the Gas Drilling Boom
Investigations of effluent and emissions from gas wells bolster the case for more analysis and oversight, but not for shutting drilling ...February 27, 2011 - Dot Earth
Issa Issues More Subpoenas, Increasing Tensions on Oversight ...
Tension between the top two lawmakers on the House Oversight and Government Reform committee escalated Thursday, after Representative ...February 24, 2011 - The Caucus
Auditors Find Federal Oil and Gas Oversight Still Lacking ...
A report suggests that last year's creation of a new agency replacing the Minerals Management Service may not be sufficient to correct ...