2023年5月12日 星期五

emission, aerodynamic, skirt, a degree of mindfulness

Spam methods evolve quickly and hackers are always coming up with new tricks, but a degree of mindfulness can help you to keep your personal information secure and your mailbox clean. (WSJ)

verb [T] MAINLY UK
1 to be careful of, or give attention to something:
Mind that box - the bottom isn't very strong.
Mind (that) you don't bang your head on the shelf when you stand up.
Mind (= Make certain that) you take enough money with you.
OLD-FASHIONED Mind your language (= Don't use swear words), young lady!

2 Mind (out)! used to tell someone to move or be careful, or to warn them of danger:
Mind out! We're coming through with the stretcher.
'Hey, mind!' he said when she trod on his foot.
Mind out for falling rocks on this part of the trail.

adjective FORMAL
careful not to forget about something:
Mindful of the poor road conditions, she reduced her speed to 30 mph.
Politicians are increasingly mindful that young voters are turning away from traditional parties.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

我十年前讀過一本關於MINDFUL LEARNING的書 (有中文翻譯)
不過它出現在Google的 Books上:

Mindful Learning: 101 Proven Strategies for Student and Teacher Success

Mindful Learning: 101 Proven Strategies for Student and Teacher Success

by Linda Campbell - Psychology - 2003 - 180 pages
To correct this oversight, this book compiles research-substantiated, mindful
instructional strategies. In this book, being mindful means using proven ...
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 - Table of Contents-About this book

Mindful Learning: Teaching Self-Discipline and Academic Achievement

Mindful Learning: Teaching Self-Discipline and Academic Achievement

by David B. Strahan - Education - 1997 - 213 pages
These strategies combine what teachers have learned about how the "mind"
works best with what researchers have learned about how teachers most...

By Switching Their Charters, Banks Skirt Supervision

At least 30 banks since 2000 have escaped federal regulatory action by walking away from their federal regulators and moving under state supervision, taking advantage of a long-standing system that allows banks to choose between federal and state oversight, according to a Washington Post review of...
(By Binyamin Appelbaum, The Washington Post)

H-P Skirts Slump in PC Demand

Hewlett-Packard posted better-than-expected earnings, aided by cost cuts, and forecast improved profit. Revenue rose 19%.

With fuel prices high and emissions rules tighter, Navistar designed the truck to be more aerodynamic.

“The aerodynamic design of the hood, windshield and side skirts will save real money,” Mr. Allendorph said. The front makes it from 5 percent to 15 percent more efficient than earlier models, he said, which could mean an annual saving of $3,000 to $8,000.


━━ n. 放射(物), 発散(物) ((of)); 排気; 射精; 精液; (紙幣の)発行.
emission spectrum 【分光】発光[放出]スペクトル.


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skirt (AVOID) Show phonetics
verb [T; I + preposition] (ALSO skirt around/round)
1 to be on or move along the edge of something; to avoid:
Take the road which skirts (round) the village, not the one which goes through it.

2 to avoid discussing a subject or problem, usually because there are difficulties that you do not want to deal with:
Though the government has promised to deal with drug abuse, it has been accused of skirting round the issue.

SKIRT 裙部,側緣

━━ n. すそ, スカート, ペティコート; 〔俗〕 ((集合的)) 女, 小娘; へり, ふち; (pl.) 郊外 (outskirts); (機械・車両の)スカート, おおい; 鞍(くら)の垂れ; (牛などの)横隔膜, 牛のわき腹肉.
━━ v. 囲む, …と境を接する; 周辺を通る; (困難を)避けて通る; ふち[境]にある[住む]; へりに沿って進む ((along)).
skirt around [round] 回避する.
skirt・ing ━━ n. スカート地.
skirting (board) 〔英〕 【建】幅木.


━━ a. 空気力学の.
aero・dynamics ━━ n. 気体動力学; 空気[航空]力学.


