2020年4月16日 星期四

footfall, billboard space, lowdown, seraphic, Curated advertising, sneaker scene,

The Oxford Covid-19 Impact Monitor has already revealed how life in the UK has changed since the Coronavirus outbreak - 55% of Britons stayed at home on Easter Monday, and non-Covid hospital footfall has fallen by 80%:

Smart billboards in Moscow can target ads to you based on the type of car you’re driving.
The rise of digital billboards spawns the idea of targeted highway ads, with tests in the U.S. planned for this summer.

"We do have footfall but a lot of people don't have a lot of money to spend," she said.

To honor the Umbrian artist and lover of philosophy (and women), we took a…

ChicagoShovels Web Site Gives Lowdown on Snow

Get the lowdown on the German sneaker scene

Somewhere between 1980s hip hop culture and 1990s skateboarding culture, the sneaker scene emerged as a subculture in its own right.
Germany might have gotten into the game a little late, but over the past couple of years German sneaker-lovers and their European neighbours have formed a vibrant community to rival what’s coming out of the US. Pulse recently kicked back with a few big names in the local scene in Cologne.
(Report: Sophie Tarr)

"Lowdown" is a song written by Peter Cetera and Danny Seraphine for the rock band Chicago and recorded for their third album Chicago III (1971). It was the second single released from this album, and peaked at #35 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100.

The site of the New Year's Eve ball drop is 1 Times Square, a mostly empty office building that takes in $20+ million a year from its billboard space. http://on.wsj.com/WRRlRd
It found that sales were November were down 0.4% from a year earlier, following a 0.1% dip in October.
And more timely figures from Experian, which track "footfalls" or the number of people out on the High Street, suggest that the number of shoppers has dropped by 11.5% in the first three days of this week compared to the same period last year.

  1. 1.
    the sound of a footstep or footsteps.

    "you will recognize his footfall on the stairs"
  2. 2.
    the number of people entering a shop or shopping area in a given time. 客流量

    "a drive to improve footfall in individual branches"


A setting down of the foot; a footstep; the sound of a footstep. Shak.
Seraphim, whose footfalls tinkled on the tufted floor.

Seraphic Doctor :熾愛天使聖師:指聖文德(或文都辣) St. Bonaventura  1221-1274 )的美號,這位十三世紀的方濟會士乃著名的思想家,強調愛德之重要:人若不愛天主,便不能真正認識天主,因而被尊稱為熾愛天使聖師。

Seraphim :熾愛天使;賽拉芬天使;色辣芬;撒拉弗:為九品天使之一,侍立天主左右,歌頌讚美天主,高呼聖、聖、聖(依六 2-6 )。此語出自希伯來文 rarap ,意為熾熱如火。詳見Choirs of Angels 
  1. characteristic of or resembling a seraph or seraphim; angelic.

    "a seraphic smile"



bíll • bòard
billboards (複数形)
1 ((米))(通例屋外の)掲示板, 広告板
a notice on the billboard
2 ((B-))米国の音楽週刊誌.
3 番組[内容]紹介.
4 《海事》錨床(びょうしょう), 錨座.

or low·down ('doun')
  1. Despicable; base: a low-down coward.
    1. Gloomy; depressed.
    2. Earthy; funky: a low-down blues; the low-down sound of a clarinet.


