2020年4月14日 星期二

drubbing, gust, blast, counterblast, aboard, rears its head or raises its head,bóardwàlk


The vote in Delhi represented an early plebiscite over the divisive social policies Narendra Modi has adopted in his second term
Disgust at its citizenship law helps explain why

Conservatives face 'permanent haemorrhage' of support if they fail to deliver Brexit, says leadership hopeful


Boris Johnson says EU election drubbing is 'final warning' to Tories

"Because there's no nipple, I can blast it everywhere all over Facebook and Instagram, and they can't censor it, which I think is really funny." 

How cancer made this woman’s breast Instagram famous


Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the biggest movie opening ever with $238,000,000 opening weekend box office. http://abcn.ws/1IjQpO4

Japan PM likely to call November poll, party set for drubbing
TOKYO (Reuters) - Embattled Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is likely to call a snap election for November, ruling and opposition party members said on Thursday, despite the likelihood that his party will suffer a drubbing. Noda, who took office ...

On March 23, 1965, America's first two-person space flight began as Gemini 3 blasted off from Cape Kennedy with astronauts Virgil I. Grissom and John W. Young aboard.

Putin Takes Drubbing in Vote

Putin's party headed for a major setback in Russia's parliamentary elections in his biggest electoral upset since his rise to power 11 years ago.

FCC Report Blasts AT&T Deal

Federal regulators issued a stinging analysis of AT&T's proposed $39 billion acquisition of T-Mobile, saying it would limit competition in virtually every U.S. city and lead to higher prices for customers.

Explosion Seen as Big Setback to Iran’s Missile Program

A huge blast that destroyed a major missile-testing site three weeks

ago was a major blow to Iran’s most advanced long-range missile program, experts and officials said.

Paul McCartney Joins Billy Joel at Shea Stadium

Before beginning “Let It Be,” Mr. McCartney alluded to the Beatles’ first concert at Shea in 1965, the year after the stadium opened.

“It’s so cool to be back here on the last night,” he said. “Been here a long time ago — we had a blast that night, and we’re having another one tonight.”

The concert was the second of two farewell shows by Mr. Joel, who told the crowd earlier in the night: “They’re tearing this house down. I want to thank you for letting me do the job and keep doing it — the best job in the world.”

And, on this date in 1604, King James I, ahead of his time, wrote his Counterblast to Tobacco, condemning the increasingly popular habit of smoking in England. Quote"Smoking is hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs." — King James I

 If something unpleasant rears its head or raises its head, it starts to appear or be active, often when it had stopped or been hidden for a period. Now the same ugly forces of racial hatred are beginning to rear their heads again. 

A severe thrashing.
A total defeat.

1 棒で打ちのめすこと;ひどく打つこと, 殴打.
2 ((略式))(ゲームでの)大敗
take a drubbing

counterblast. 反向氣流 · 強硬的抗議 · 猛烈的反對. 來自“ ...

blast (EVENT)

noun [C usually singular] US INFORMAL

an exciting or enjoyable experience or event, often a party:

You should have come with us last night, we had a real blast!


v., blast·ed, blast·ing, blasts. v.tr.
  1. To knock down or shatter by or as if by explosion; smash.
  2. To play or sound loudly: The referees blasted their whistles.
    1. To hit with great force: The batter blasted the ball to right field.
    2. To kill or destroy by hitting or shooting.
  3. To have a harmful or destructive effect on.
  4. To cause to shrivel, wither, or mature imperfectly by or as if by blast or blight: crops that were blasted by frost.
  5. To make or open by or as if by explosion: blast a tunnel through the mountains.
  6. To criticize or attack vigorously.

(noun) A strong, abrupt rush of wind.
Synonyms:blast, blow
Usage:The wind swept in fainter and fainter gusts across the dreary moor.


