2023年3月16日 星期四

decimate, passion, plague, passion play, commemorate, a fallen soldier, bubonic, bubonic plague

Cathay Pacific asks workers to take 3 weeks off without pay as the coronavirus decimates travel

Cathay Pacific is asking its 27,000 employees to take three weeks of unpaid leave in the coming months, the latest in a series of emergency measures forced on the embattled Hong Kong carrier by the coronavirus outbreak in China.


Tis the times’ plague, when madmen lead the blind. -- King Lear

The same Bubonic plague that decimated large swaths of medieval Europe has cropped up in Madagascar and the American south-west

Why some diseases are hard to eradicate

From the archive


  The Guardian
'Scientists argue that, like bubonic plague, Facebook will eventually die out' http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jan/22/facebook-princeton-researchers-infectious-disease


love your job, be patient, passion,

Steve Jobs' Advice for Entrepreneurs 




'The Year of the Flood'

In this novel about a bioengineered future world decimated by plague, Margaret Atwood retells her 2003 novel "Oryx and Crake" from new perspectives.

"Twenty-Four-Hour-Ring" - the Erl Wagner festival

The theme of this year's Tyrol Festival in Erl, a small village just across the border from Bavaria is "Wagner's Ring has Seven Parts". Erl has a uniquely designed Passionshaus or festival hall where Gustav Kuhn, conductor and artistic director of the festival, programmed Wagner's Ring des Nibelungen to be performed chronologically in the order in which the operas were composed. This means also including the operas he wrote in between: Wagner broke off work on the Ring to compose Tristan und Isolde and Die Meistersinger; his last opera was Parsifal. Six of the operas are given in Erl in staged or semi-staged performances with casts of young professional singers engaged from the Accademia di Montegral, a music academy situated in a monastery near Lucca in Tuscany. With this project and the "Twenty-Four-Hour-Ring" performed two years ago, Gustav Kuhn has succeeded in putting the tiny village of Erl on the Wagnerian map and attracts Wagner-lovers from all over the world. (Reporter Elizabeth Mortimer)

Thousands Rally on Tiananmen Anniversary
Hong Kong residents gathered to commemorate the 1989 crackdown and to vent their anger at the Chinese leadership.

Tributes to a fallen soldier
Two other soldiers also died in the same incident. He cared for his other colleagues and we were told he always made the path clear for other soldiers to follow.

Germany finally remembers its fallen soldiers

Germany's Nazi past overshadows the public debate over the country's role
in current conflicts. But soldiers who have died in those conflicts have,
until now, not been commemorated.

The DW-WORLD Article


Pronunciation: /kəˈmɛməreɪt/
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Definition of commemorate

[with object]
  • recall and show respect for (someone or something):a wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate the war dead a stone commemorating a boy who died at sea
  • mark or celebrate (an event or person) by doing or producing something:the victory was commemorated in songs


late 16th century: from Latin commemorat- 'brought to remembrance', from the verb commemorare, from com- 'altogether' + memorare 'relate' (from memor 'mindful')

Spelling help

Remember that commemorate and the related word commemoration are spelled with a double m then a single m.

In Aristotelian thought a passion is a general category of being complementary to that of action; a receptive power, or the capacity to be affected by the action of another thing (Metaphysics 1022b). In the more restricted and common usage, passions are the affections of the mind, or the feelings by which the mind is affected and moved. See emotion.
· Boundless enthusiasm: His skills as a player don't quite match his passion for the game.
n. - 熱情, 激情, 情欲, 戀情, 盛怒, 忿怒
日本語 (Japanese)
n. -
熱情, 激情, , 恋情, 情欲, 激怒, キリストの受難


--> ━━ n. 激情; 激怒; 熱烈な情愛; 情欲; 熱情, 熱心 ((for)); 熱愛するもの; 〔古〕 苦痛; (the P-) キリストの受難.
fall [fly, get] into a passion かんしゃくを起す.
 ━━ a. 激情に支配される; 怒りやすい; 熱烈な, 熱情的な; 情欲に燃えた.
pas・sion・ate・ly ad. 激しく, 熱烈に; かっとなって; すごく, とても.
passion・flower トケイソウ.
passion・fruit トケイソウの果実.
pas・sion・less ━━ a. 情熱のない; 冷静な.
Passion play (またp- p-) キリスト受難劇.
Passion Sunday 受難の主日 ((Lentの第5日曜日)).
Passion Week 受難週間 ((Lentの第5週)).

Festivals | 25.01.2009

Bushy, Virtuous Actors Sought for Germany's Hit Passion Play

Actors taking part in the Oberammergau Passion Play will be paying their final visit to the hairdressers next month as preparations begin in earnest for the mammoth theatrical event.

As no wigs are used, participants must grow their hair and beards well ahead of next year's performances. The hair decree, as it is called, comes into force on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 25.
Some 2,500 villagers have applied to take part in the next staging of the play from May to October 2010, according to its artistic director, Christian Stueckl.
"That is 300 more than we had the last time the play was performed in 2000," he told a press conference in Munich, outlining details of his third term in charge of the production.
The passion play has been performed every decade since 1634 by the inhabitants of the village of Oberammergau in the southern German state of Bavaria. Its origin dates back to the Thirty Years War when the village was decimated by the bubonic plague.
The surviving population promised God that if he saved them they would commemorate it by staging a dramatic representation of Christ's suffering, death and resurrection every ten years.
The only time the play was not performed was during World War II. 
腺鼠疫,又稱鼠疫淋巴腺鼠疫,一般俗稱為黑死病,是一種存在於囓齒類跳蚤的一種人畜共通傳染病。鼠疫是由鼠疫桿菌Yeresinia pestis)所致的傳染病。鼠疫通常先在鼠類或其他嚙齒類動物中流行,然後再通過鼠、跳蚤叮咬傳給人;當發展成肺炎性鼠疫時,亦可以在人同人之間傳播。接觸此菌3至7天後會出現類似於流感的症狀,包括發熱頭痛、嘔吐。細菌侵入皮膚處周圍的淋巴結腫大疼痛[1],有時甚至會爆開。

 bubonic plague
腺鼠疫,又稱鼠疫淋巴腺鼠疫,一般俗稱為黑死病,是一種存在於囓齒類跳蚤的一種人畜共通傳染病。鼠疫是由鼠疫桿菌Yeresinia pestis)所致的烈性傳染病。鼠疫通常先在鼠類或其他齧齒類動物中流行,然後再通過鼠、跳蚤叮咬傳給人;當發展成肺炎性鼠疫時,亦可以在人同人之間傳播。


Line breaks: bubo
Pronunciation: /ˈbjuːbəʊ/
noun (plural buboes)



Pronunciation: /bjuːˈbɒnɪk/


late Middle English: from Latin, from Greek boubōn 'groin or swelling in the groin'.

Local actors

tr.v., -mat·ed, -mat·ing, -mates.
  1. To destroy or kill a large part of (a group).
  2. Usage Problem.
    1. To inflict great destruction or damage on: The fawns decimated my rose bushes.
    2. To reduce markedly in amount: a profligate heir who decimated his trust fund.
  3. To select by lot and kill one in every ten of.
[Latin decimāre, decimāt-, to punish every tenth person, from decimus, tenth, from decem, ten.]
decimation dec'i·ma'tion n.

USAGE NOTE Decimate originally referred to the killing of every tenth person, a punishment used in the Roman army for mutinous legions. Today this meaning is commonly extended to include the killing of any large proportion of a group. Sixty-six percent of the Usage Panel accepts this extension in the sentence The Jewish population of Germany was decimated by the war, even though it is common knowledge that the number of Jews killed was much greater than a tenth of the original population. However, when the meaning is further extended to include large-scale destruction other than killing, as in The supply of fresh produce was decimated by the nuclear accident at Chernobyl, only 26 percent of the Panel accepts the usage.


