Melissa Thornhill Young 發文到America In the 1890s
The heartbreaking practice of "Post-mortem photography" was very common in the nineteenth century when "death occurred in the home and was quite an ordinary part of life."As photography was a new medium, it is plausible that "many daguerreotype post-mortem portraits, especially those of infants and young children, were probably the only photographs ever made of the sitters. The long exposure time made deceased subjects easy to photograph. I can't imagine the sadness of these parents. 😪
New Jersey's Next Governor: A Rich Donor With Progressive Roots
Before Philip D. Murphy was a governor, he was a Goldman Sachs executive. And before that, he was raised in a home that revered the Kennedys.
"To name Voltaire is to characterise the entire eighteenth century", according to Victor Hugo. Born on this day in 1694, Voltaire was a writer, philosophe, and vocal critic of the abuses of the French Ancien Régime
Nuclear power in the Nordic countries: Recalled to half-life
A surprising revival in previously reviled nuclear power
More than 360 years later, as advance obituaries are being prepared for the very forms of printed journalism born during Peacham’s era, Lady Opinion is on display, along with far more reverential examples of news and opinion, at the Folger Shakespeare Library on Capitol Hill in the exhibition “Breaking News: Renaissance Journalism and the Birth of the Newspaper.”
China and Tibet
A lama in sheep's clothing?
May 8th 2008 | DHARAMSALA
From The Economist print edition
From The Economist print edition
Revered by Tibetans, reviled by China
NOT long after calling him a “devil” with a human face and the heart of a beast, Chinese officials are talking again to representatives of the Dalai Lama. But in the Indian hill town of Dharamsala, the seat of Tibet's government-in-exile, few believe China's own heart has changed. “The basis of their attitude towards Tibet is...distrust and fear,” the Dalai Lama told The Economist a day after a meeting on May 4th in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen between two of his envoys and two senior Communist Party officials. It was the first contact between the two sides since unrest broke out in Tibet and other ethnic Tibetan regions of China in March.An enemy disguised as a friend, as in Dan was a wolf in sheep's clothing, pretending to help but all the while spying for our competitors.
This term comes from the ancient fable about a wolf that dresses up in the skin of a sheep and sneaks up on a flock.
This fable has given rise to a rich history of allusions as in the Sermon on the Mount when Jesus speaks of false prophets in sheep's clothing, "but inwardly they are ravening wolves" (Matthew 7:15).
15Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves
compulsive, eyewitness
Pepys had two great accomplishments. He was the creator, in effect, of the modern British Navy, and to this day naval historians so revere him that they regard the other Pepys, the literary one, as an embarrassment and a distraction.
He was also a compulsive diarist. Starting on New Year's Day in 1660 (when he was 26), he faithfully wrote down, in a shorthand code, a day-by-day account of everything he saw, felt or heard for the next nine years. The completed diary fills six 282-page notebooks; it's the longest, most personal account we have of life in the 17th century, and also an invaluable eyewitness account of some of the most seismic events in English history: the Restoration (Pepys was in the boat that went to fetch Charles II from the Netherlands), the plague of 1665, the Great Fire the following year and the Dutch raids the year after that.
Bracketing the diary are the years of the Civil War and the Protectorate (Pepys as a schoolboy watched the king's execution) and, later, the Glorious Revolution of 1688, during which Pepys, who remained a staunch Jacobite, was briefly imprisoned on suspicion of treason. Few literary figures have lived through more interesting, or more treacherous, times.
Schweitzer is remembered for his belief in the "reverence of life."
Mass Burials Obscure Fate of China’s Missing
China’s rush to dispose of bodies of earthquake victims has prevented family members from identifying their kin and has upset a traditional Chinese reverence for the deceasedkin
plural noun OLD-FASHIONED
family and relatives
adverb FORMAL
He laid the wreath reverently in front of the memorial.
adjective FORMAL
He opened the ancient book with reverential care.
lacking the expected respect for official, important or holy things:
an irreverent comment/approach/attitude
irreverent thoughts
━━ n. 尊敬(の念) ((for)) (We hold him in ~.); 〔古〕 敬礼; (R-) 尊師 (his [your] R-).
do [pay] reverence to …に敬意を表する.
━━ vt. 尊ぶ, 崇敬する.

━━ vt. 尊ぶ, 崇敬する.
To regard with awe, deference, and devotion.
[French révérer, from Old French reverer, from Latin reverērī : re-, re- + verērī, to respect.]
verb [T] FORMAL
to greatly respect and admire someone or something:
Nelson Mandela is revered for his brave fight against apartheid.
noun [U] FORMAL
She has/shows/feels great reverence for her professors.
adjective FORMAL
A reverent silence fell over the crowd.
NOTE: The opposite is irreverent.
adverb FORMAL
He laid the wreath reverently in front of the memorial.
adjective FORMAL
He opened the ancient book with reverential care.revile
verb [T] FORMAL
to criticize someone strongly, or say unpleasant things to or about someone:
The judge was reviled in the newspapers for his opinions on rape.
adjective FORMAL
1 dead:
the recently deceased Member of Parliament
2 the deceased a person who has recently died or people who have recently died:
The deceased shot her mother before killing herself.
Five of the deceased were employed by the club.
compulsion (DESIRE)
noun [C]
a very strong or uncontrollable desire (to do something repeatedly):
For many people, dieting is a compulsion.
[+ to infinitive] I seem to have a constant compulsion to eat.
1 doing something a lot and unable to stop doing it:
a compulsive liar/thief/eater
compulsive gambling
a compulsive eating disorder
2 describes a film, play, sports event, book, etc. that is so interesting or exciting that you do not want to stop watching or reading it:
I always find programmes about hospitals compulsive viewing.
Her latest book is compulsive reading/a compulsive read.
too much and in a way that shows you are unable to stop:
She exercises/cleans/works compulsively.eyewitness noun [C]
a person who saw something happen, for example a crime or an accident:
According to an eyewitness account, the thieves abandoned their vehicle near the scene of the robbery and then ran off.
noun [U] FORMAL
Corley said she was standing down as leader because of the treachery of her own colleagues.

━━ n. 保護[擁護,防御]者; 保護物[装置]; 【英史】摂政.
pro・tec・tor・al a.

n. 保護国[領]; 保護関係; 【英史】摂政(期間); (the P-) 護国卿(きょう)時代 (1653-59).
pro・tec・tor・ship n. 摂政の任期.
pro・tec・tress n. (女性である)保護者.
pro・tec・tor・al a.

pro・tec・tor・ship n. 摂政の任期.
pro・tec・tress n. (女性である)保護者.
1 LITERARY (especially of wild animals) fiercely hunting for food:
ravening wolves
2 describes a group of people who try to get what they want in a forceful way:
She said that she was tired of being pursued by ravening journalists.