We're in Switzerland as President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at World Economic Forum in Davos. https://abcn.ws/2sIWG4K
The story of CIT illustrates the perils awaiting any firm that jumps into seemingly lucrative new arenas at the expense of focusing on markets that it knows and understands best.
“Even if you never met him, you know this guy. He’s the guy at the country club with the beautiful date, holding a martini and a cigarette that stands against the wall and makes snide comments about everyone who passes by.”
Peace Plan Offers Russia a Rationale to Advance By ANDREW E. KRAMER
A deal brokered by France not only failed to slow the Russian advance in Georgia, but also allowed Russia to claim that it could push even deeper.
Ex-US diplomat rankles Taiwan with defense remarks
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — The former top American diplomat in Taiwan has said that the island's declining military budgets have left it vulnerable to Chinese attack and made it easier for mainland spies to penetrate its armed forces, remarks that the ...
market (MAKE AVAILABLE) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to make goods available to buyers in a planned way which encourages people to buy more of them, for example by advertising:
Their products are very cleverly marketed.
noun [U]
a job that involves encouraging people to buy a product or service:
a career in marketing
Our marketing people have come up with a great idea for the launch of the new model.
Marketable products or skills are easy to sell because a lot of people want them:
This is a highly marketable product.Peter Drucker, the father of U.S. management consulting, once advised that only two business functions produce new customers. They are "marketing" and "innovation." All other functions are expenses. This means Chinese companies have to learn about marketing. They will have to learn about "positioning" or how to win battles in the mind of a customer and prospect. They will have to learn about "marketing warfare" or how to cope with competition. They will have to learn about "differentiation" or how to figure out what makes you different from your competitors. But most of all, they have to understand that it's not just about low price, but about added value or creating that reason as to why a product is worth a little more than competitive products.
rationale Businessweek
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — The former top American diplomat in Taiwan has said that the island's declining military budgets have left it vulnerable to Chinese attack and made it easier for mainland spies to penetrate its armed forces, remarks that the ...
market (MAKE AVAILABLE) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to make goods available to buyers in a planned way which encourages people to buy more of them, for example by advertising:
Their products are very cleverly marketed.
noun [U]
a job that involves encouraging people to buy a product or service:
a career in marketing
Our marketing people have come up with a great idea for the launch of the new model.
Marketable products or skills are easy to sell because a lot of people want them:
This is a highly marketable product.Peter Drucker, the father of U.S. management consulting, once advised that only two business functions produce new customers. They are "marketing" and "innovation." All other functions are expenses. This means Chinese companies have to learn about marketing. They will have to learn about "positioning" or how to win battles in the mind of a customer and prospect. They will have to learn about "marketing warfare" or how to cope with competition. They will have to learn about "differentiation" or how to figure out what makes you different from your competitors. But most of all, they have to understand that it's not just about low price, but about added value or creating that reason as to why a product is worth a little more than competitive products.
noun [C or U] FORMAL
the reasons or intentions for a particular set of thoughts or actions:
I don't understand the rationale behind the council's housing policy.[名][U][C]((形式))
1 根本的理由, 本義;論理的根拠((for ...)). |
2 理由づけ, 正当化.

(especially of remarks) containing unpleasant and indirect criticism
She made one or two snide remarks about their house which I thought was a bit unnecessary.
rudely and critically
"Well, she's certainly better looking than her mother, " she said snidely.
current (MOVEMENT) noun [C]
1 a movement of water, air or electricity, in a particular direction:
to swim against/with the current
He was swept out to sea by the strong current.
Switch off the electric current before touching that machine.
2 a particular opinion or feeling that a group of people have:
There is a growing current of support for green issues among voters.

━━ a. 一般に行われている; 通用[流通]する; 流行の; 現在の, 今日の.
current English 時事英語.
current issue / current number 今月[週]号.
current money 通貨.
current month [week, year] 今月[週,年].
pass current 一般に通用する[認められている].
━━ n. 流れ, 潮[海]流, 気流, 電流; 傾向, 風潮; 現行利回り.
current account 〔英〕 当座勘定.
current affairs 時事問題.
current assets 流動資産.
current balance 【電気】電流天秤.
current capital 流動[運転]資金.
current cell 【コンピュータ】カレントセル ((現在使える表計算のセル)).
current cost accounting カレントコスト[現在原価]会計.
current density 【電気】電流密度.
current directory 【コンピュータ】カレント・ディレクトリ.
current document 【コンピュータ】カレント・ドキュメント.
current drive 【コンピュータ】現装置, カレント・ドライブ.
current income 当期利益.
current liabilities 流動負債.
current loop 【コンピュータ】カレントループ.
cur・rent・ly ━━ ad. 世間一般に; 現在(のところ).
current mode logic 【コンピュータ】電流モード論理.
current ratio 流動比率.
current release 【コンピュータ】カレントリリース ((現在発売(公開)されている版)).
current yield [return] 現在利回り, 直利.

━━ n. 流れ, 潮[海]流, 気流, 電流; 傾向, 風潮; 現行利回り.

rape (FORCE) Show phonetics
verb [I or T]
to force someone to have sex when they are unwilling, using violence or threatening behaviour:
She was pulled from the car and raped.
It's difficult to understand what causes a man to rape.
1 [C or U] (an example of) the crime of forcefully having sex with someone against their wish:
He had committed several rapes.
He was convicted of rape.
2 [U] destruction of the natural world, often for profit:
The road builders were accused of the rape of the countryside.
noun [C]
a person who commits rape:
The police have caught the rapist.
━━ n., vt. 強姦(ごうかん)[強奪](する).

以下為轉貼文 或可梢增點知識
BY FORCE就是"強要" "劫去姦"
2006/05/14 - Lawrence first mentioned the alleged rape in June 1919, midway through writing his memoirs and Barr argues that he fabricated the event in ... "The tests produced three grey transparent films which didn't look promising.
2007年4月12日 星期四
3 月底的新聞:教統局局長李國章聲言要“rape”教院。原文是Education chief Arthur Li Kwok-cheung had warned the Hong Kong Institute of Education it would be "raped" if it refused to merge with the Chinese University of Hong Kong....
星河千帆 的「李國章“rape”教院」文章列出3月29、30日香港中文傳媒的新聞報道,對Rape這字有三種譯法:1.強姦:蘋果、都市
翻 查更具權威性的正宗牛津辭典Shorter Oxford Dictionary(不是那本香港學生之中最流行的充頭貨牛津辭典「Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary」),便可以知道Rape這個字有不同的「意思」,排第一的,赫然就是To take by force。
英國詩人Alexander Pope 就寫過一首長篇詼諧敘事詩,叫The Rape of the Lock,是我讀預科英國文學的課本,內容說一名花花公子如何向美人求愛不遂,強行剪去她的髮卷(Lock),有高人譯此書名為「秀髮劫」,真是正到無倫!
附帶一筆,「it would be raped if it refused....」為甚麼會用上would 和refused的「過去式」動詞呢?英文是可以這樣用來作一種「假定」的說法:「假如....則會.....」,並不是在敘述「已發生的事」。
如果說 「it will be raped if it refuses...」也算可以接受的。