A pop fly hit by a batter in the seventh inning was carried by a strong gust of wind and turned into a game-winning homerun. That was the beginning of the term Lucky Seven.
"My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"-- these were the last words of Jesus on the cross, and is the translation of the title of this film.
Minimal dialogue, beautiful sounds, desolate scenery-- With all of those aspects, I found 'Eli, Eli, Lema Sabachthani' to be a beautiful film. The story in itself is something unique and untouched before-- an illness that drives people to suicide, the only cure being sound... Acting by Asano Tadanobu only makes the film more stunning-- he plays his usual disconnected and silent character, but it was very effective in this film, maybe more so than in his other works.
Minimal dialogue, beautiful sounds, desolate scenery-- With all of those aspects, I found 'Eli, Eli, Lema Sabachthani' to be a beautiful film. The story in itself is something unique and untouched before-- an illness that drives people to suicide, the only cure being sound... Acting by Asano Tadanobu only makes the film more stunning-- he plays his usual disconnected and silent character, but it was very effective in this film, maybe more so than in his other works.
Baseball. To hit a short high fly ball, especially one that can be caught by an infielder: popped out to shortstop.shortstop
- 音節
- shórt • stòp
- [名詞]
- 1 〔野球〕
- (1)ショート(ストップ):二塁ベースと三塁ベースの間の守備位置.
- (2)遊撃手,ショート.
- 2
- (1)(また shórtstop bàth)〔写真〕 = .
- (2)〔化学〕 重合停止剤.
- 3 〔クリケット〕 ショートストップ:wicketkeeper の後ろで逸球を捕る人.
- 4 ((米俗)) (食卓で)料理を他の人に回す前に取る人.
- ━━ [他動詞]
- 1 〔化学〕 〈重合反応を〉抑止する.
- 2 ((米俗)) 〈料理を〉他の人に回す前に取る.
- 3 ((米俗)) (店員の間で)〈他の店員の顧客に〉応対する.
all-around/all-round 多才多藝
She's a fantastic all-round/AM ALSO all-around sportswoman (=one with many different skills). [before n]
Like Jeter, Lemming is half white and half black, an all-star and an all-around
good citizen. (Nitpickers will note that Jeter plays shortstop and Lemming plays center field, and that Jeter is right-handed and Lemming, or at least Mr. Sunjata, is left-handed.)
She is a good all-round player, but she excels in tennis.她各種運動都行,尤其擅長打網球
- 音節
- cénter fíeld
- 1 〔野球〕 センター(フィールド),中堅.
- 2 〔野球〕 中堅手の守備位置.
- center fielder [名詞] センター,中堅手.

flya fly ball
a point scored in baseball by hitting the ball so far that you have time to run all the way round the four corners of the playing field before it is returned