2020年7月24日 星期五

consulate, consulate general, sweepstake, cease and desist, swept up into a high chignon, scant, stint, desist, loyalist, endure, cease and desist

U.S. Orders China to Close Houston Consulate Over Espionage and Theft

consulate general 總領事館

The Trump administration accused the Chinese of stealing research and told the diplomats in Texas to clear out by Friday. Beijing warned it would retaliate.


Opinion: Beijing, the Hong Kong government, loyalist parties, unions, councils, committees, and the network of friendly associations across the territory are celebrating the victories and accomplishments of 2018.

And, as Suzanne Pepper explains, there is much to celebrate.

Everyone here has been celebrating… everyone, that is, whose sympathies are with Beijing, the Hong Kong Government, and all loyalist parties, unions, councils, committees, and the network of friendly associations that now extend throughout the territory. In an article posted in pro-Beijing newspap...


How a pro-Beijing newspaper celebrated 10 victories against Hong Kong's democrats in 2018 | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

Everyone here has been celebrating… everyone, that is, whose sympathies are with Beijing, the Hong Kong Government, and all loyalist parties, unions, councils, committees, and the network of friendly associations that now extend throughout the territory. In an article posted in pro-Beijing newspap...

Breaking: The New York state attorney general has filed a 'cease and desist' order against the Donald J Trump foundation.

Two nights of protests over the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases left...

The shoemaker also says it has served about 180 cease and desist letters to retailers selling look-a-like Chuck Taylor sneakers in the past six years to protect its brand.

Plenty of scholars sweated through the 20th century trying to reconcile inconsistencies across the great sweep of Marx’s writing, seeking to shape a coherent Marxism out of Marx. Sperber’s approach is more pragmatic. He accepts that Marx was not a body of ideas, but a human being responding to events. In this context, it’s telling that Marx’s prime vocation was not as an academic but as a campaigning journalist: Sperber suggests Marx’s two stints at the helm of a radical paper in Cologne represented his greatest periods of professional fulfillment. Accordingly, much of what the scholars have tried to brand as Marxist philosophy was instead contemporary commentary, reactive and therefore full of contradiction.
在20世紀,很多學者費力調和馬克思很多作品中存在的矛盾內容,試圖塑造出一個連貫協調的馬克思主義。相比之下,斯珀伯的做法更加務實一些。他承認 馬克思不是一台思想機器,而是一個會對事件作出反應的人。在這種情景下,頗能說明問題的是,馬克思的主業並非學者,而是政治記者:斯珀伯指出,馬克思在科 隆的一家激進派報社兩次擔任負責人,是他職業成就感達到巔峰的時期。所以,學者們試圖打上馬克思主義哲學標誌的很多東西其實是對時事的解讀,是對當時事件 的反應,因而也就充滿了矛盾。


 China Police Chief Told U.S. He Feared Harm

A ex-Chinese police chief's visit to a U.S. consulate was driven by worries he would be captured by Bo loyalists.
VHS Loyalists
In Immigrant Communities, VHS Endures




For Murdoch Loyalist, Another Stint in the Spotlight

Les Hinton, now of The Wall Street Journal, is coming under scrutiny for what he did and did not know when he ran Rupert Murdoch's British newspapers.

In Mideast Talks, Scant Hopes From the Beginning
There is little confidence that the Obama administration’s goal of reaching a Mideast peace deal in one year can be met.

. Dowd: Liz Cheney: Desist!


  • 発音記号[kɑ'nsələt | kɔ'nsju-]
1 領事館;[U]領事職(の任務).
2 ((the C-))《フランス史》執政政府(1799-1804).


  • 発音記号[lɔ'iəlist]
1 忠臣, 愛国者;(特に反乱時の)現体制の支持者.
2 ((時にL-))(米国独立戦争時の)英国支持派の人;英国保守党員.
3 ((L-))(スペイン内乱時の)共和制支持者.
4 ((カナダ))連合帝国王党員.
5 ((L-))(北アイルランドの)英国帰属支持者.

  • 発音記号[dizíst, -síst]
[動](自)((形式))…(することを)やめる((from ..., from doing))
desist from talking

cease and desist letter is a document sent to an individual or business to halt purportedly illegal activity ("cease") and not take it up again later ("desist").

Cease and desist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Line breaks: de¦sist
Pronunciation: /dɪˈzɪst , dɪˈsɪst /VERB

Stop doing something; cease or abstain:each pledged to desist from acts of sabotage


late middle english: from Old French desister, from Latin desistere, from de- 'down from' + sistere 'to stop' (reduplication of stare 'to stand').
(stĭnt) pronunciation

v., stint·ed, stint·ing, stints. v.tr.
  1. To restrict or limit, as in amount or number; be sparing with.
  2. Archaic. To cause to stop.
  1. To subsist on a meager allowance; be frugal.
  2. Archaic. To stop or desist.
  1. A length of time spent in a particular way: a two-year stint in the military.
  2. A fixed amount or share of work allotted. See synonyms at task.
  3. A limitation or restriction: working without stint.
[Middle English stinten, to cease, from Old English styntan, to blunt.]
stinter stint'er n.
stintingly stint'ing·ly adv.

stint2 (stĭnt) pronunciation
Any of several small sandpipers of the genera Erolia or Calidris, of northern regions.

1 ((ふつう否定文))…を出し惜しむ;…に(…を)控えめにしか出さない((of, in ...))
stint oneself of [in] meals [=stint one's meals]
2 ((古))…をやめる.
1 ((ふつう否定文))(…を)出し惜しむ, 控えめにする((on ...)).
2 ((古))やめる, よす.
1 割り当てられた仕事(量);(仕事などに)割り当てられた期間
do a two-year stint in the navy
do one's stint
2 [U]((形式))(量の)制限, 限定;出し惜しみ
without [with no] stint
惜しみなく, 骨身を惜しまず.
dle English stint, from Old English.]


(〜・er, 〜・est;more 〜, most 〜)((形式))[形]
1 ((限定))(量・程度が)ぎりぎりの, 不足ぎみの;(大きさ・量が)限られた, 乏しい;貧弱な

scant provisions
with scant attention to [=regard for] ...
2 ((米))(一定の数量に)やや足りない, …足らずの

a scant few minutes
2, 3分足らず.
3 (…が)十分にない, 不足している((of ...));(…の点で)足らない((in ...))

be scant of money
1 〈食糧などの〉(供給を)切り詰める, (数量を)減らす

They scanted the rations.
2 …を出し惜しむ.
adj., scant·er, scant·est.
  1. Barely sufficient: paid scant attention to the lecture.
  2. Falling short of a specific measure: a scant cup of sugar.
  3. Inadequately supplied; short: We were scant of breath after the lengthy climb.
tr.v., scant·ed, scant·ing, scants.
  1. To give an inadequate portion or allowance to: had to scant the older children in order to nourish the newborn.
  2. To limit, as in amount or share; stint: Our leisure time is scanted by this demanding job.
  3. To deal with or treat inadequately or neglectfully; slight.

[Middle English, from Old Norse skamt, neuter of skammr, short.]
scantly scant'ly adv.
scantness scant'ness n.

  1. a form of gambling, especially on horse races, in which all the stakes are divided among the winners.

    "a sweepstake ticket"
    • a race or gambling game in which the winnings comprise all the money that has been staked.
    • a prize or prizes won in a sweepstake.


Pronunciation: /swiːp/Definition of sweep

verb (sweeps, sweeping; past and past participle swept /swɛpt/)

[with object]
  • 1clean (an area) by brushing away dirt or litter:I’ve swept the floor Greg swept out the kitchen
  • [with object and adverbial of direction] move or remove (dirt or litter) by brushing it away:she swept the tea leaves into a dustpan
  • [with object and adverbial of direction] move or push (someone or something) with great force:I was swept along by the crowd figurativeNahum’s smile swept away the air of apprehensive gloom
  • [with object and adverbial of direction] brush (hair) back from one’s face or upwards:long hair swept up into a high chignon
  • Cricket hit (the ball) on the leg side by bringing the bat across the body from a half-kneeling position; hit a ball delivered by (a bowler) with such a stroke.
  • 2 [no object, with adverbial of direction] move swiftly and smoothly:a large black car swept past the open windows figurativehis cool grey eyes swept over her
  • (of a person) move in a confident and stately manner:she swept magnificently from the hall
  • affect (an area or place) swiftly and widely:the rebellion had swept through all four of the country’s provinces [with object]:violence swept the country
  • (of a geographical or natural feature) extend continuously in a particular direction, especially in a curve:green forests swept down the hillsides
  • [with object] North American win all the games in (a series); take each of the winning or main places in (a contest or event):we knew we had to sweep these three home games
  • 3search (an area) for something:the detective swept the room for hair and fingerprints
  • examine (something) for electronic listening devices:the line is swept every fifteen minutes
  • cover (an entire area) with a gun:they were trying to get the Lewis gun up behind some trees from where they would sweep the trench


  • 1an act of sweeping something with a brush:I was giving the floor a quick sweep
  • short for chimney sweep.
  • 2a long, swift curving movement:a grandiose sweep of his hand
  • Electronics the movement of a beam across the screen of a cathode ray tube.
  • Cricket an attacking stroke in which the bat is brought across the body from a half-kneeling position to hit the ball to leg.
  • 3a comprehensive search or survey of a place or area:the police finished their sweep through the woods
  • (often sweeps) North American a survey of the ratings of television stations, carried out at regular intervals to determine advertising rates.
  • 4a long, typically curved stretch of road, river, country, etc.:we could see a wide sweep of country perhaps a hundred miles across
  • a curved part of a drive in front of a building:one fork of the drive continued on to the gravel sweep
  • the range or scope of something:the whole sweep of the history of the USSR
  • 5 informal a sweepstake.
  • 6North American an instance of winning every event, award, or place in a contest:a World Series sweep
  • 7a long, heavy oar used to row a barge or other vessel: [as modifier]:a big, heavy sweep oar
  • 8a sail of a windmill.
  • 9a long pole mounted as a lever for raising buckets from a well.

make a clean sweep

see clean.

sweep the board

win every event or prize in a contest.


Old English swāpan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to German schweifen 'sweep in a curve'


Line breaks: chi|gnon
Pronunciation: /ˈʃiːnjɒ̃ /

Definition of chignon in English:


A knot or coil of hair arranged on the back of awoman’s head:her hair was drawn back from her face into a chignon


late 18th century: from French, originally 'nape of the neck', based on Latin catena 'chain'.
    Chignon (hairstyle) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  1. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chignon_(hairstyle)

    chignon is a popular type of hairstyle. The word “chignon” comes from the French phrase “chignon du cou,” which means nape of the neck. Chignons are ...


