2020年7月24日 星期五

tit-for-tat, pizza oven with a widely rotating array of toppings. beat, blur, blurb, dim, fade, demure, tête-à-tête, topmost, dilapidated, on the market

Yale Alumni Magazine
Yesterday was National Pizza Day, but every day is pizza day in Pauli Murray College. Along with Morse, Stiles, and Franklin Colleges, Murray has a brick pizza oven with a widely rotating array of toppings.

AFP News Agency
In a White House televised address US President Trump emphasized there were "no Americans harmed" in the Iranian ballistic missile salvo aimed at two bases in Iraq, comments that cooled tensions after he ordered the killing of a top Iranian general on January 3.
Trump welcomed signs the Islamic republic "appears to be standing down" in the tit-for-tat confrontation, although he promised to impose "punishing" new economic sanctions on Tehran.
The US president, facing both an impeachment trial in Congress and a tough reelection in November, defended his targeting of a man considered Iran's second most influential official.
Read here: http://u.afp.com/JvBv

In 1959, the Italian typewriter company Olivetti nearly became the computer company to beat.


The Italian Computer: Olivetti's ELEA 9003 Was a Study in Elegant, Ergonomic Design

Some of Japan's solar farm operators decide to drop Huawei's power conditioners.

Japan solar farms dim on Huawei as US sounds alarm

The tit-for-tat violence begins with a scramble for land, and political influence

Toyota is also rethinking its lineup of cars for every region of the world and accelerating offerings of more environmentally friendly vehicles. And it’s already planning for 2030, when it envisions a world in which hybrid vehicles — and other types, like those that run on hydrogen — dominate the roads as traditional internal combustion engines fade in importance.

Still Proud, Still Kicking, Still Nice and Rough
Tina Turner was a ferocious, shaky blur at Madison Square Garden on Monday.

Shaky Economy Suddenly Dims Russian ProspectsMOSCOW — This week, Moscow looked every inch the glittering financial capital it aspires to be.

Luxury cars were jammed up for blocks outside a lavish art opening at the Red October chocolate factory, where long-legged models congregated around works by Andy Warhol and Picasso. President Dmitri A. Medvedev, flanked by the country’s commercial titans, talked of his longtime dream of building a trade and commerce hub that would challenge New York and London.

But that prospect has begun to look less certain. The stock market plunged so precipitously earlier this week that the government halted trading for two days. Stocks roared back with a 28 percent gain on Friday. But the market is still down by nearly half since May.

The many admiring blurbs on the back of the book jacket made me want to read the book right away.

Book blurbs are a tangled mass of friendships, rivalries, favors traded and debts repaid, not always in good faith.

Good Guys, Bad Guys and Spies, All Wrapped in ‘Edutainment’
The International Spy Museum and the National Museum of Crime & Punishment in Washington promise the latest forms of “edutainment,” which generously blur boundaries between fact and fancy.

tête-à-tête, demure, top or beat expectations

Just as Carla charmed the Queen of England and Princes Charles and Philip with her demure French schoolgirl look, she charmed George and Laura Bush on their visit, inviting Laura 30 minutes early for a girls’ tête-à-tête, and then sitting next to the American president and keeping him entertained with a spirited conversation in English, one of her three languages and sort of his one language.
At a press availability the next day, W. interrupted his own boring observation about “the importance of the Doha Round” to smilingly tell his pal Sarko: “It was a great pleasure to have been able to meet your wife. She’s a really smart, capable woman, and I can see why you married her. And I can see why she married you, too.”

The Carla Effect
sultry (SEXY), polygamy and polyandry

Earnings Fall, but Goldman Tops Expectations
股價或績效比預期佳的名動詞可用 top or beat

Bill Clinton Speech Fees Topped $4.7 Million in '08
Bill Clinton earned more than $4.7 million last year in speaking fees from engagements in countries around the world, including Kuwait and China.

In 2003, Jane Prophet and David Richardson found a dilapidated but promising three-story 2,100-square-foot house, at the far left of the photo, in the Crouch End section of north London. Now, after an extensive overhaul, they have put it on the market.


describes something old and in poor condition:
The hotel we stayed in was really dilapidated.
a dilapidated old car/shed

noun [U]
The farmhouse fell into a state of dilapidation.on the market
available for sale:
We put our house on the market as soon as house prices started to rise.
This is one of the best televisions on the market.
The pictures would sell for half a million on the open market (= if offered for sale without a fixed price).

beat (DEFEAT)
verb [T] beatbeaten or US ALSO beat
1 to defeat or do better than:
Simon always beats me at tennis.
Holland beat Belgium (by) 3-1.
Our team was comfortably/easily/soundly beaten in the first round of the competition.
The nationalists were narrowly beaten in the local election.
He beat me fair and square (= without cheating).
They were beaten hands down (= completely) by their opponents.
She has beaten her own record of three minutes ten seconds.
US He beat out all the top competitors in his sport.
[+ ing form of verb] INFORMAL Taking the bus sure beats (= is better than) walking.
SLANG Taking the bus beats the hell out of (= is much better than) walking all the way there.
You can't beat (= there is nothing better than) a cold beer on a hot afternoon.

2 To beat something that is going to happen is to take action before the thing happens:
Let's try to beat the traffic problems by leaving early in the morning.
I always do my shopping early to beat the rush.

noun [C]
a defeat:
We took a beating in our last match.

noun [C]
1 the highest place or part:
She waited for me at the top of the stairs.
There were flags on the tops of many of the buildings.
There was a pile of books on top of (= on) the table.

NOTE: The opposite is bottom.

2 the flat upper surface of something:
The top of the table/desk was badly scratched.

adjective [before noun]
at the highest part of something:
There's a dirty mark on the top left-hand corner of the photo.
The offices are on the top floor of the building.
He was standing on the top rung of a ladder.

verb [T] -pp-
1 to be the most important, best, most successful, etc:
The record topped the charts (= sold the largest number of recordings) for five weeks.
She topped the bill (= was the most important act in the show).
See also topping.

2 (ALSO top offto be on the upper surface of something, especially as a decoration:
The dessert was topped off with cream and pieces of fruit.

adjective [before noun]
We couldn't reach the apples on the topmost branches.

noun [C or U]
a substance, especially a sauce, cream or pieces of food, which is put on top of other food to give extra flavour and to make it look attractive:
pizza topping
a topping of toasted almonds

Tops Forecast

Morgan Stanley Tops Forecast

In another boost to confidence on Wall Street, Morgan Stanley, the investment bank, reported a profit of $1.5 billion for its first quarter Wednesday, surpassing analyst estimates and further easing investor fears of another investment bank failure following the collapse of Bear Stearns.

verb [T] -pp-
to do, pay, etc. more or better than anyone else:
"They've offered me £1000." "I'm afraid we can't top that."
She topped my suggestion with an even better one of her own.

top (BEST)
1 (in the position of being) most important or successful; best:
So what would be your top choice for a holiday.?
As a chess player he's among the top 10% in the country.

2 be/come top to be the student with the best results:
She came top of the class in English.
Sam was top at/in Science.

3 Top people, organizations or activities are the most important or successful ones:
top athletes/executives
top jobs
top universities

used with many different words to mean 'best':
a top-class athlete
top-ranking officers

the top 
noun [S]
the most important position in a group or organization:
At forty, he was at the top of his profession.
Life at the top is stressful.

verb [T] -pp-
to do, pay, etc. more or better than anyone else:
"They've offered me £1000." "I'm afraid we can't top that."
She topped my suggestion with an even better one of her own.

(especially of women and children) quiet and well behaved:
She gave him a demure smile.

She sat with her hands folded demurely in her lap.


(tāt'ə-tāt', tĕt'ə-tĕt'adv. & adj.
Without the intrusion of a third person; in intimate privacy: talk tête-à-tête; a tête-à-tête supper.
  1. A private conversation between two persons.
  2. A sofa for two, especially an S-shaped one allowing the occupants to face each other.
[French : tête, head + à, to + tête, head.]


Tit-for-tat源於"this for that」的另一種寫法,意思是一個人在回應他人對自己造成的傷害時做出的報復行為,即「以牙還牙、針鋒相對」。


A brief publicity notice, as on a book jacket.
[Coined by Gelett Burgess (1866–1951), American humorist.]
n. - 自賛的広告, 誇大宣伝
v. - 推薦広告をする
Wikipedia article "Blurb".
Wikipedia article "Blurb (publisher)".


v., blurred, blur·ring, blurs. v.tr.
  1. To make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance; obscure.
  2. To smear or stain; smudge.
  3. To lessen the perception of; dim: “For street children . . . drugs offer the chance to blur their hopeless poverty” (Alma Guillermoprieto).
  1. To become indistinct.
  2. To make smudges or stains by smearing.
  1. A smear or blot; a smudge.
  2. Something that is hazy and indistinct to the sight or mind.
[Probably akin to Middle English bleren, to blear.]

noun [S]
1 something that you cannot see clearly:
If I don't wear my glasses, everything is just a blur.

2 something that you cannot remember or understand clearly:
It all happened so long ago that it's just a blur to me now.
The last few days seem to have gone by in a blur.

verb [I or T] -rr-
1 to (make something or someone) become difficult to see clearly:
As she drifted into sleep, the doctor's face began to blur and fade.

2 to make the difference between two things less clear, or to make it difficult to see the exact truth about something:
This film blurs the line/distinction/boundary between reality and fantasy.

1 difficult to see, understand or separate clearly:
The photograph was very blurred.
Do you agree that male and female roles are becoming blurred ?

2 unable to see clearly:
My eyes were blurred with tears.

The picture on the TV went blurry.

adjective dimmer, dimmest
1 not giving or having much light:
The lamp gave out a dim light.
He sat in a dim corner of the waiting-room.
We could see a dim (= not easily seen) shape in the fog.

2 LITERARY If your eyes are dim, you cannot see very well.

3 a dim memory/recollection, etc. something that you remember slightly, but not very well:
I had a dim recollection of having met her before.

4 INFORMAL not very clever:
He's a nice chap, but a little dim.
Don't be dim.

5 not likely to succeed:
The company's prospects for the future are rather dim.

verb [I or T] -mm-
1 to (make something) become less bright:
Someone dimmed the lights.
The lights dimmed and the curtains opened.

2 LITERARY to (make a positive feeling or quality) less strong:
Our hopes/expectations dimmed as the hours passed.

The room was dimly lit.
I dimly remembered seeing the film before.

verb [I or T]
to (cause to) lose colour, brightness or strength gradually:
If you hang your clothes out in the bright sun, they will fade.
My suntan is already fading.
They arrived home just as the light was fading (= as it was going dark).
The sun had faded the bright blue walls.

less bright in colour than before:
faded jeans
faded curtains/wallpaper
FIGURATIVE a faded beauty (= a woman who was beautiful in the past)


