2025年1月26日 星期日

squeamish,Our Kids Cannot Learn About Sex Just From Squeamish Gym Teachers. bear down on, surrogate, surrogacy, carpetbagger, allege, amenities, butler, slush fund. Italy Criminalizes Surrogacy From Abroad, a Blow to Gay and Infertile Couples

The New York Times reports today that Hillary Clinton is organizing “leadership councils” in every state, comprised of dozens of top Democratic state officials and super-delegates to the nominating convention (“super-delegates” automatically become convention delegates because of the offices they hold.) The councils will round up supporters, act as surrogates in the news media in their states, and, not incidentally, serve as a reminder to Joe Biden “that large sections of the Democratic establishment have already committed to Mrs. Clinton,” according to the Times.
After a series of surrogacy scandals, Thailand is cracking down on the "wombs-for-rent" business.

Emboldened by new technology—and searching for the next hot amenity—a number of high-rise developers are installing private pools in every unit.

Luxury Condos with Private Pools
In buildings like ONE KL in Kuala Lumpur, the Honeycomb in the Bahamas, Bandra Ohm in Mumbai and Porsche Design Tower in the Miami area, developers are installing private pools in every unit.

College graduates are increasingly heading to high-cost, high-amenity cities such as Washington, New York, Boston and San Francisco.
Care for Caviar and Cocktails With That Musical?

New musicals in New York, like “Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812,” offer audiences intimacy with performers and high-end amenities, but at a cost.

“Executives of organizations must become the surrogate voice for customers,”
GOP Praise Puts Obama Surrogate on Defensive

Cory Booker: "I am very upset that I am being used by the GOP this way."

Butlers and Marble Baths: Hospitals Vie for the Affluent

China rejects climate allegations
Beijing dismisses claims by UK Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband that it blocked progress at the Copenhagen talks.

On Nov. 23, the popular NTV news program "Shinso Hodo Bankisha" aired a report in which a 58-year-old former construction company worker alleged that he helped the Gifu government create a slush fund by falsely claiming to have done construction work for the prefecture.

In the end, the government concluded there was no basis for the allegation.

Intel Accuses AMD of Breaching Pact
Intel is alleging AMD breached the terms of a licensing pact between the rival chip makers with its manufacturing spinoff, a charge that AMD denied.

Sundance Wrap-Up
David Carr (a k a the Carpetbagger) says goodbye to the surrogate center of the movie world, but not before taking in a hockey game.
sundance 某印地安族之巫儀

that is the mark of prestige, the surrogate for quality
On the other hand, although I'm not a mathematician or an expert on
metrics, I believe everything can, in principle, be measured, at least
to some degree, by measuring a "surrogate" that is presumed to be
analogous to the phenomenon at hand. 代用品質特性

But the indictment against Messrs. Lay and Skilling alleges that "LJM did not act as a true third-party investor, but rather as Enron's surrogate ... to manipulate Enron's reported financial results."

Nevertheless, the laying of a scent trail for dogs does establish the linguistic 'surrogate' meaning for 'red herring' and the further step to 'deliberate deceit' isn't a large one.

Prosecutors allege in the case that the Rigases spent company funds on amenities such as a $12.8 million golf course and used more than $250 million to meet margin calls on their private stock holdings, covering up their actions with fictitious receipts and falsified financial reports. In one allegation, the elder Mr. Rigas is accused of racking up more than $66 million in personal debt and then withdrawing so much money from the company for personal use that his son Timothy had to limit him to $1 million a month.

bear down on

Move directly towards someone or something in a purposeful or intimidating manner:at a canter they bore down on the mass of men ahead

verb [T] FORMAL聲稱
to state that someone has done something illegal or wrong without giving proof:
[+ (that)] The two men allege (that) the police forced them to make false confessions.
[+ to infinitive] Mr Smythe is alleged to have been at the centre of an international drugs ring.
[+ that] It was alleged that Johnson had struck Mr Rahim on the head.

adjective FORMAL
It took 15 years for the alleged criminals (= people thought to be criminals) to prove their innocence.

adverb FORMAL
That's where he allegedly killed his wife.

Surrogate Cities - a dance project with the Berliner Philharmoniker and Simon Rattle

adjective [before noun]
1 replacing someone else or used instead of something else:
Because she had no children of her own, her friend's son became a kind of surrogate child to her.
━━ n. 代理人; 代用(物); 【英国教】監督代理; 〔米〕 (ある州で)遺言検証判事.(In the US) a judge in charge of probate, inheritance, and guardianship.
━━  vt. …の代理をする; …の後任にする.
 ━━ n. 代理母を務めること.
 surrogate mother 代理母 (((1)母の役をする人.(2)人工受精等の方法で夫婦の妻の代わりに子を産む女性)).
2 surrogate (mother) a woman who has a baby for another woman who is unable to become pregnant or have a baby herself:
She has agreed to act as a surrogate mother for her sister.

  • India Nurtures Business of Surrogate Motherhood
  • Reproductive outsourcing is a new but rapidly expanding business, as word spreads of India’s mix of skilled medical professionals, relatively liberal laws and low prices.

noun [C]
For some people, reading travel books is a surrogate for actual travel.

noun [U]
the action of a woman having a baby for another woman who is unable to do so herself

adjective [always before noun]
used instead of someone or something else
Twenty years older than her, he effectively became a surrogate father.

surrogate noun [C]
someone or something that is used instead of someone or something else
He seemed to regard her as a surrogate for his dead mother.

1 代理(として任命された者), 代行者;((米))(ニューヨーク州などの)検認後見(裁判)官;((英))《教会》主教代理, 教会裁判所判事代理.
2 (一般に)(…の)代わり, 代用物((for, of ...));代理母
speech surrogate
発話の代用物(▼口笛による交信, 太鼓による交信など)
There are surrogates for [of] various foodstuffs.
3 《精神医学》代理人.
━━[形]代理の〈人〉, 代用の
a surrogate mother
━━[動]  (他)
1 …を代理に(任命)する, 代わりに使う, 代用する.

2 《大陸法》…を代位者とする.

━━ n. 代理人; 代用(物); 【英国教】監督代理; 〔米〕 (ある州で)遺言検証判事.
━━  vt. …の代理をする; …の後任にする.
 ━━ n. 代理母を務めること.
surrogate mother 代理母 (((1)母の役をする人.(2)人工受精等の方法で夫婦の妻の代わりに子を産む女性)).

Line breaks: sur¦ro|gacy
Pronunciation: /ˈsʌrəɡəsi /

Definition of surrogacy in English:


1The action or state of being a surrogate.
1.1The process of giving birth as a surrogate mother or of arranging such a birth:surrogacy is frequently denounced asexploitation[AS MODIFIER]: surrogacy agencies


Definition of amenity

noun (plural amenities)

  • a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place:the property is situated in a convenient location, close to all local amenities
  • [mass noun] the pleasantness or attractiveness of a place:developments which would clash with amenity
[名]1 ((-ties))生活を楽しく[便利に]するもの(公園・図書館・遊戯場など);(住居や列車などの中の)便利な設備;楽しみ, 娯楽.2 [U](場所・気候の)快適さ;(性質・態度の)感じ...
amenity bed


  • 発音記号[bʌ'tlər][名]
1 召し使い頭(がしら), 執事.
2 酒倉係.
[アングロフランス語←古フランス語bouteillier (bouteille瓶+-ER2=酒瓶を扱う人)]


Line breaks: carpet|bagger
Pronunciation: /ˈkɑːpɪtbaɡə/

Definition of carpetbagger in English:


informal , derogatory
1A political candidate who seeks election in an area where they have no local connections.
1.1British A person who becomes a member of amutually owned building society or insurancecompany in order to gain financially in the event of the organization demutualizing.


Mid 19th century: originally applied to people from the northern states of the US who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the Reconstruction.

  1. 1 わずかな手荷物を持って旅行する人;(私利を求める)移住者,渡り者;(特に)山師.
  2. 2 ((主に米・けなして))(選挙で)(その土地とは関係のない)移入候補者.
  3. 3 《米史》南北戦争のあとに私利を求めて南部へ移住した北部出身者. ▼carpetbagを持って旅行した.
  4. 4 ((英)) カーペットバッガー:協同組合などを株式会社にして私腹を肥やす人.

Slush fund


Money put aside to be used to bribe or influence, especially in a political context.


Slush fundThe word 'slush' was coined in 17th century England as the name for half-melted snow and is first referred to in print with that meaning in Henry Best's Rural Economy in Yorkshire, 1641. Of course, that's where the nameSlushies, the part-frozen flavoured drinks, came from.
A century later, there was an alternative meaning of 'slush', or 'slosh', which was the fat or grease obtained from meat boiled on board ship. That invaluable guide The Gentleman's Magazine, 1756, referred to it like this:
He used much slush (the rancid fat of pork) among his victuals.
William Thompson made it sound even less appetising in The Royal Navy-men's Advocate, 1757:
Tars whose Stomachs are not very squeamish, can bear to paddle their Fingers in stinking Slush.
Despite it not being the apex of culinary delight it was considered a perk for ships' cooks and crew and they sold the fat that they gathered from cooking meat whenever they reached port. This perquisite became known as a 'slush fund' and the term joins the numerous English phrases that first saw the light of day at sea.
The author William McNally didn't think much of the practice and included a description of it in Evils & Abuses in Naval & Merchant Service, 1839:
The sailors in the navy are allowed salt beef. From this provision, when cooked nearly all the fat boils off; this is carefully skimmed and put into empty beef or pork barrels, and sold, and the money so received is called the slush fund.
In the same year, The Army and Navy Chronicle suggested that a ship's slush fund would be a suitable source of money to buy books for the crew:
To give men the use of such books as would best suit their taste, would be to appropriate what is their own, (viz.) the slush fund for the purchase of such works.
This is the beginning of the meaning we now have for 'slush fund', i.e. money put aside to make use of when required. The use of such savings for improper uses like bribes or the purchase of influence began in the USA not long afterwards. The Congressional Record for January 1894 printed this:
[Cleveland] was not elected in 1888 because of pious John Wanamaker and his $400,000 of campaign slush funds.
Slush fundInto the 20th century and we head straight for one of The Simpsons' many cultural references and back to the original meaning of 'slush fund'. In the 1998 episode Lard of the Dance, Homer and Bart instigate a scheme to make money by collecting and selling grease. They try to siphon Groundskeeper Willie's stashed vat of rancid fat from the school kitchen. A fight breaks out over what is clearly Willie's slush fund or, in 20th century cartoon parlance, his 'retirement grease'.

  1. easily made to feel sick or disgusted.
    "I've always been squeamish about bugs"
    easily nauseated
    be put off by
    cannot stand the sight of
    • having fastidious moral views; scrupulous.
      "she was not squeamish about using her social influence in support of her son"


