If Julian Assange deems himself to be a journalist, he is in desperate need of a remedial course on the basic ethics of the profession
Dumping unredacted information is the act of a useful idiot, not a journalist
From tulip fields that look like technicolour barcodes to a salt mine that evokes an abstract painting: this is what Earth looks like from above.The Economist’s 1843 magazine reviews a spectacular new book of aerial photography
Columbia History’s declassification engine poured over nearly one million pages of Eisenhower-era diplomatic cables and revealed the 10 most redacted men to BuzzFeed.
The Most Redacted Men In America
The Declassification Engine searched nearly a million pages of once-secret documents to find the men the Eisenhower administration wanted the world to know the least about.
Yale Daily News
UNIVERSITY | Paris attacks lead to revisitation of 2009 Yale Press controversy
In 2009, Yale University Press faced criticism for its decision to redact images of the Prophet Muhammad — including a controversial 2005 Danish cartoon and other historical depictions of the figure — from Brandeis University Professor Jytte Klausen’s book, “The Cartoons That Shook the World.”
Paris attacks prompt reexamination of 2009 Yale Press controversy
After last week’s terror attack against the satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo,...
On Tuesday, the Missouri office of the American Civil Liberties Union wrote to the Ferguson and St. Louis County Police Departments requesting unredacted copies of the “incident reports” describing the death of Mr. Brown.
'Superior orders' redacted
The trial began at 08:30 (00:30GMT) on Monday, with the prosecution making its statement. The court released its first transcript of the day about an hour later, but then removed the post at least once.When the final version was up, a section appeared to have been removed. This appears to have contained a reference to Bo Xilai saying he was following orders of "superiors" in obtaining a fake medical certificate for his former police chief, Wang Lijun.
As Nelson Mandela, 94, grows more fragile, the struggle in South
Africa over how he will be remembered, and what he has to pass on, has
become increasingly acrimonious.
“A marvel, a 'distillation' of over a thousand authoritative texts, edited, redacted, and assembled in the manner of the (Holy) Bible, though by one man rather than many; written in a crisp, beautiful English; printed and bound like the precious object it clearly wishes to become. This is high praise, which Grayling, a philosopher at the University of London and the author of histories, biographies, and books demonstrating the everyday applicability of Humanist philosophy, amply deserves.” – The New Yorker on The Good Book
Preparing Followers at Apocalypse Central
Members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in Oakland, Calif., where a biblical soothsayer is preparing for the beginning of the end of the world on Saturday.
Mayor and Morgenthau Battle Over Funds
The officials’ relationship has often been acrimonious, but has usually been veiled in public civility.
Jefferson cut out the virgin birth, all the miracles—including the most important one, the Resurrection—then pasted together what was left and called it The Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth (fifteen years later, in retirement at Monticello, he expanded the text, added French, Latin, and Greek translations, and called it The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth). In an 1819 letter to William Short, Jefferson recollected that the cut-and-paste job was the work of two or three nights only, at Washington, after getting through the evening task of reading the letters and papers of the day." Jefferson mentioned The Philosophy of Jesus in a few other personal letters, but for the most part he kept the whole matter private, probably guessing that the established Church would see the compilation as one more example of his "atheism." Nor did Jefferson care to give Federalist newspapers another reason to remind him of alleged sexual relations with his slave Sally Herrings, an entanglement certainly out of keeping with the philosophy of Jesus.
But Jefferson's severe redaction was probably a retaliatory act, as much as anything, against priests and ministers—"soothsayers and necromancers," Jefferson called them—who had unleashed attacks on his character during the acrimonious presidential election of 1800.
━━ n. 魔術師, 降霊術者.
Necromancy (IPA: /ˈnekɹəˌmænsɪ/) (Greek νεκρομαντία, nekromantía) is a form of divination in which the practitioner seeks to summon "operative spirits" or "spirits of divination", for multiple reasons, from spiritual protection to wisdom. The word necromancy derives from the Greek νεκρός (nekrós), "dead", and μαντεία (manteía), "divination".
However, since the Renaissance, necromancy has come to be associated more broadly with black magic and demon-summoning in general, sometimes losing its earlier, more specialized meaning. By popular etymology, nekromantia became nigromancy "black arts", and Johannes Hartlieb (1456) lists demonology in general under the heading. Eliphas Levi, in his book Dogma et Ritual, states that necromancy is the evoking of aerial bodies (aeromancy).
Bitter and sharp in language or tone; rancorous: an acrimonious debate between the two candidates.
acrimoniously ac'ri·mo'ni·ous·ly adv.
acrimoniousness ac'ri·mo'ni·ous·ness n.

One who claims to be able to foretell events or predict the future; a seer.
WORD HISTORY The truth is not always soothing, but our verb soothe is related to soothsayer, the word for one who tells the truth, especially beforehand. The archaic adjective and noun sooth, "true, truth," comes from the Old English adjective and noun sōth with the same meanings. The Old English form derives from Germanic *santh-az, "true," which comes from Indo-European *sont-, one of the participles from the Indo-European root -es-, "to be": the truth is that which is. Old English also formed a verb from sōth, namely sōthian, "to confirm to be true." This is the ancestor of soothe; its meaning changed from "to assent to be true, say 'yes' to" to "humor by assenting, placate." Doing the latter on occasion requires something less than the truth.
Definition of REDACT
: to put in writing : frame
: to select or adapt (as by obscuring or removing sensitive information) for publication or release; broadly : edit
: to obscure or remove (text) from a document prior to publication or release
Origin of REDACT
Middle English, from Latin redactus, past participle ofredigere
First Known Use: 15th century
[with object]
Pronunciation: /rɪˈdakt/
- 発音
- ridǽkt
- redactの変化形
- redact (過去形) • redacted (過去分詞) • redacting (現在分詞) • redacts (三人称単数現在)
1 〈原稿などを〉(出版できるように)修正する, 編集する.
2 〈声明文などを〉作成する, 起草する.
[名]Definition of revisit
in English:
VERB ( revisits, revisiting, revisited)
1.1Consider (a situation or problem) again or from adifferent perspective:the council will have to revisit the issue at a general meeting this summer
事實上,聯邦政府的報告或其他敏感文件在經過編輯後發布的情況並不少見,有些文件甚至整頁都被塗黑 。 FBI曾懷疑女星瑪麗蓮·夢露有共產主義傾向,在她去世後的50年間,其檔案一直被保密處理。特朗普前競選主席保羅·馬納福特的律師此前則因為在“塗黑”上不夠小心,而“洩露”了一些敏感信息。
- (of text) not having had sections censored or obscured for legal or security purposes.
"a unredacted version of the report"