2016年8月19日 星期五

offensive, hatefulness, action-sports, extreme sport

He’s already rounded up all the key players: Roger Ailes (former Fox News guru deposed for sexual harassment), Stephen Bannon (former Goldman Sachs financier turned right-wing media mogul at Breitbart News), and, of course, the Donald himself – whose “brand” is now better known than ever, courtesy of the GOP, and whose loyalists will be glued to their televisions and smartphones to get ever more of Trump’s hatefulness and lies.

Sale Gives Timberland Leg Up

Apparel company VF, whose brands include North Face and Nautica, agreed to buy Timberland for about $2 billion, looking to boost its outdoor and action-sports businesses.
An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger,[1][2][3] and that are counter-cultural.

Afghan Offensive Is New War Model

After allied troops clear Marja of insurgents, the test will be to keep it clear.

━━ a., n. 不快な, いやな; 無礼な; しゃくにさわる; 攻撃的な[用の]; 攻勢の; (普通the 〜) 攻撃, 攻勢.
be on the offensive 攻撃中である; 攻撃的[けんか好き]である.
take the offensive 攻勢に出る.

  1. Disagreeable to the senses: an offensive odor.
  2. Causing anger, displeasure, resentment, or affront: an offensive gesture.
    1. Making an attack: The offensive troops gained ground quickly.
    2. Of, relating to, or designed for attack: offensive weapons.
  3. (ŏf'ĕn-) Sports. Of or relating to a team having possession of a ball or puck: the offensive line.
  1. An attitude or position of attack: go on the offensive in chess.
  2. An attack or assault: led a massive military offensive.
offensively of·fen'sive·ly adv.
offensiveness of·fen'sive·ness n.
SYNONYMS offensive, disgusting, loathsome, nasty, repellent, repulsive, revolting, vile. These adjectives mean extremely unpleasant to the senses or feelings: an offensive remark; disgusting language; a loathsome disease; a nasty smell; a repellent demand; repulsive behavior; revolting food; vile thoughts. See also synonyms at hateful.

Hateful, obnoxious, odious, offensive refer to something that causes strong dislike or annoyance. Hateful implies actually causing hatred or extremely strong dislike: The sight of him is hateful to me.


