How a Bank Robber Became an Antihero in France銀行搶匪如何成為法國反派英雄 How a Bank Robber Became an Antihero in France銀行搶匪如何成為法國反派英雄
A suspected bank robber may not be most girls’ idea of Mr Right, but women are proposing marriage to a jailed French van driver accused of stealing million of euros.一名銀行搶劫嫌犯或許並非大多數女孩理想的白馬王子,不過卻有女性向法國一名被控偷走數百萬歐元的在押運鈔車司機求婚。 管淑平
Proposed Tax on Sugary Beverages Debated
The proposed tax is billed as a way to fight obesity and provide billions for health care reform.
Clinton proposes China, Japan join 3-way talks with US to ease tensions
Washington PostChina's premier refused to attend a meeting with the Japanese prime minister, and Japan reiterated its claims to some disputed islands in the Pacific. ...
apropos (2)
à propos, apropos of
apropos (RELATED)
adverb, preposition FORMAL
used to introduce something which is related to or connected with something that has just been said:
I had a letter from Sally yesterday - apropos (of) which, did you send her that article?
Apropos what you said yesterday, I think you made the right decision.
apropos (SUITABLE)
adjective [after verb] FORMAL
suitable in a particular situation or at a particular time:
clothes which are apropos to the occasion
ap·ro·pos (ăp'rə-pō')
Related to the matter at hand: applicable, apposite, germane, material, pertinent, relevant. Idioms: to the point. See relevant/irrelevant.
Being at once opportune and to the point. See synonyms at relevant.
At an appropriate time; opportunely.
By the way; incidentally: Apropos, where were you yesterday?
With regard to; concerning: Apropos our date for lunch, I can't go.
[French à propos : à, to (from Old French a, from Latin ad-; see ad–) + propos, purpose (from Latin prōpositum, neuter past participle of prōpōnere, to intend; see propose).]
Mr Right,
n. Slang
The man who would make an ideal mate: "self-help guides for women in search of Mr. Right" (Los Angeles Times).
Pronunciation: /prəˈpəʊz/