2016年8月17日 星期三

jerk, tear-jerking acoustic , knee-jerk, tailoring, jerk chicken, stirring predictably fiery rhetoric

 St. Vincent performed this tear-jerking acoustic version of 'New York' for BBC Radio 6 Music earlier this week 💕

 Does Organic Food Turn You into a Jerk?
By Nick Carbone
Short answer: yes

 . Driving Like a Jerk Could Cost You $100 Per Month
By Brad Tuttle
Much like the fable of the tortoise and the hare, it's the steady and conscientious, if slow of foot, competitor who comes out the clear winner.


(jûrk) pronunciation

v., jerked, jerk·ing, jerks.
  1. To give a sudden quick thrust, push, pull, or twist to.
  2. To throw or toss with a quick abrupt motion.
  3. To utter abruptly or sharply: jerked out the answer.
  4. To make and serve (ice-cream sodas, for example) at a soda fountain.
  5. Sports. To press (a weight) overhead from shoulder height in a quick motion.
  1. To move in sudden abrupt motions; jolt: The train jerked forward.
  2. To make spasmodic motions: My legs jerked from fatigue.
  1. A sudden abrupt motion, such as a yank or twist.
  2. A jolting or lurching motion.
  3. Physiology. A sudden reflexive or spasmodic muscular movement.
  4. jerks Involuntary convulsive twitching often resulting from excitement. Often used with the.
  5. Slang. A foolish, rude, or contemptible person.
  6. Sports. A lift in which the weight is heaved overhead from shoulder height with a quick motion.
noun, Informal. 1. a pathetic story, play, movie, or the like; an excessively sentimental tale. Origin of tearjerker.

“IF THE Philippines gives us such an opportunity, we will certainly seize it”, wrote a Chinese general, Luo Yuan, about the possibility of war over some uninhabited rocks in the South China Sea. A month-long stand-off between ships of the two countries disputing ownership of the remote Scarborough Shoal has been stirring predictably fiery rhetoric in China. Unusually, critics of knee-jerk nationalism have also been outspoken.

Making Europe's business your business

This week: Aviation industry leaders warns against knee-jerk cargo security rules -- Putting a price tag on nature -- German Pellets: An eastern success story -- The rise of textiles and the fall of tailoring 


  Taiwanese tear-jerker wins 'Chinese Oscar'

TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan director Leon Dai's harsh real-life drama "No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti" won best feature over the weekend at the Golden Horse Film ...

tear·jerk·er (tîr'jûr'kər) pronunciation

A grossly sentimental story, drama, or performance.

tear-jerking tear'-jerk'ing adj.

knee-jerk ,膝蓋腱(しつがいけん)反射.

Meaning #1: a reflex extension of the leg resulting from a sharp tap on the patellar tendon
Synonyms: knee jerk, knee-jerk reflex

Taiwanese tear-jerker wins 'Chinese Oscar'
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan director Leon Dai's harsh real-life drama "No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti" won best feature over the weekend at the Golden Horse Film ...

tear·jerk·er (tîr'jûr'kər) pronunciation

A grossly sentimental story, drama, or performance.

tear-jerking tear'-jerk'ing adj.
Jamaican jerk spice
Jerk is a style of cooking native to Jamaica in which meat is dry-rubbed or wet marinated with a very hot spice mixture called Jamaican jerk spice. Jerk seasoning is traditionally applied to pork and chicken.Wikipedia

新闻报道 | 2010.11.06

Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 德国廉价纺织品商店KIK




在德国所有廉价商店中,人们都可以轻易找到价格非常便宜的衣服。比如说在廉价超市LIDL,Aldi和KIK。他们吸引的客户是社会低收入 群体,为他们提供制作考究,售价一般都低于5欧元的衬衫和裤子。但残酷的事实是,其余的钱是由制衣工人用他们非常低的工资来支付。贾斯明夫人 (Jasmine Begum)是一位居住在孟加拉的服装厂工人:她说 “我最初于2000年在一家服装厂做助理操作员。然后,我有几年没有工作。后来重新开始原来的工作后,我每个月赚3500塔卡。这些钱不够我养活家人。我 希望所有一切都能有所改变,我要加薪,只有这样我和我的家人才能生存下来。我想送我儿子去上学。”



阿赫特尔(Arifa Akhter)也曾经在服装厂工作。她现在是孟加拉国服装业工人联合会的成员,她想帮助从业于服装行业的女性,因为这些女性占整个行业从业人口的80%。 她不仅要求为他们改善工作条件,而且还必须涨工资。阿赫特尔说:“我们的服装厂家无法获得足够的资金来完成这项工作。这就是为什么他们付不起工资的原因。 如果国外的买主年能够支付更好的价钱,那么员工也会获得其中的一小部分,哪怕不是全部。我们要求外国订货商了解这些问题,并采取必要的措施。”

在过去,这样的要求往往被置若罔闻。在德国的一个组织对此非常关注。布鲁克哈德(Gisela Bruckhardt)发起的“清洁成衣运动”提倡人们购买不是在侵犯人权,剥削以及低薪环境下生产出来的服装。布鲁克哈德说,德国企业必须为此负全责: “我们希望这些机构支付给制衣工人足够高的工资。这份工资必须使任何员工以及他们的家人能够生存下来。现在这些组织必须参观当地工厂,了解情况。但是,我 们不能强迫他们去参观,这是一个严峻的问题。我们期待德国政府能够行动起来,政府必须制定法律来保护这些员工的权益。毕竟他们是为我们生产成衣。政府应该 允许这些员工在德国联邦法院起诉他们的德国买家,捍卫他们的权利。”


作者:Marina Joarder /编译:任琛



