2016年8月17日 星期三

fragment, glassy, A basalt statue

Omran's bare feet barely reach the edge of the chair as he sits alone in the back of the ambulance. The five-year-old’s eyes are glassy with shock and he seems hardly aware of the blood seeping from a wound in his forehead. The little Syrian boy was one of five children injured in Aleppo.



Pronunciation: /ˈfraɡm(ə)nt/ 
1A small part broken off or separated from something:small fragments of pottery
1.1An isolated or incomplete part of something:Nathan remembered fragments of the conversation


Pronunciation: /fraɡˈmɛnt/ 
Break or cause to break into fragments:[NO OBJECT]: Lough Erne fragmented into a series of lakes[WITH OBJECT]: management has tighter control through fragmenting the tasks


Pronunciation: /ˈɡlɑːsi/ 

ADJECTIVE (glassierglassiest)

1Of or resembling glass.
1.1Having the physical properties of glass; vitreous:glassy lavas
1.2(Of water) having a smooth surface:the glassy grey surface of the lake
1.3(Of sound) resembling the sharp noise made when glass is struck:a glassy clink
2(Of a person’s eyes or expression) showing no interest or animation:some stare straight ahead with glassy eyesshe’d got that glassy look


(also glassie)dialect A glass marble.

ba·salt (bə-sôlt', bā'sôlt') pronunciation
n. 玄武岩
  1. A hard, dense, dark volcanic rock composed chiefly of plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine, and often having a glassy appearance.
  2. A kind of hard unglazed pottery.
[Latin basaltēs, alteration of basanītēs, touchstone, from Greek basanītēs (lithos), from basanos, of Egyptian origin.]Visitors marvel at a Moai statue weighing 6 tons at the Marunouchi Building in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward on Tuesday. It took more than a month to transport the 3-meter carving, called "Moai of Peace," by ship from Chile's Easter Island. The basalt statue was completed in 1992, after which islanders infused it with "manna" (spiritual power) through a religious ceremony. (YUKO YAMADA/ STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER)


