2023年2月17日 星期五

distinguish, obviat, ablative, ablative absolute

Financial Woes Thrust Lyft, Long in Uber’s Shadow, Into the Spotlight

Lyft recovered from pandemic restrictions slower than Uber, and critics said it lacked ambitious investments to distinguish itself from its rival.

A truck painted purple with a Lyft logo is suspended on top of a pole.

ablativeLine breaks: ab¦la|tive
Pronunciation: /ˈablətɪv/ 

Definition of ablative in English:



1Grammar Denoting a case (especially in Latin) ofnouns and pronouns and words in grammaticalagreement with them indicating an agent, instrument, or sourceexpressed by ‘by’, ‘with’, or ‘from’ in English.
  • Indeed, the nominal part of this prepositional phrase is not in the nominative case; sub governs the ablative case.
  • My Mongolian had got as far as the ablative case and the important greeting noxhoi-khoi, ‘hold the dog’.
  • Of the six Indo-European cases capable of being governed by adpositions, the ablative and genitive singular were not distinguished outside of o-stems.


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1word in the ablative case.
1.1(the ablative) The ablative case.


Late Middle English: from Old French ablative (feminine of ablatif), Latin ablativus, from ablat- 'taken away' (seeablation).
《認識媒體 : 人的延伸》麥克魯漢(Marshall McLuhan) ; 鄭明萱譯 台北市貓頭鷹出版, 2006。頁34
一般譯者碰到這句,可能要投降。明萱譯出,並有ablative absolute的注解。
If the nineteenth century was the age of the editorial chair, ours is the century of the psychiatrist's couch. As extension of man the chair is a specialist ablation of the posterior, a sort of ablative absolute of backside, whereas the couch extends the integral being. The psychiatrist employs the couch, since it removes the temptation to express private points of view and obviates the need to rationalize events.


  1. remove (a need or difficulty).
    "the presence of roller blinds obviated the need for curtains"

ablative absoluteLine breaks: ab¦la|tive ab¦so|lute

Definition of ablative absolute in English:


construction in Latin which consists of a noun andparticiple or adjective in the ablative case andfunctions as a sentence adverb, for example Deo volente ‘God willing.
  • The genitive absolute is a particular use of the participle, similar to the ablative absolute in Latin.
  • Most ablative absolutes are best translated with clauses introduced by when, although, since, or if.
  • Express the phrase as an ablative absolute, leaving out words other than the supplied noun and verb.


