2023年2月14日 星期二

embroider, impersonator, make-up, fireball, handy-dandy. impersonated a police officer.

Genetic Connections

Seeking Clues to Heart Disease in DNA of an Unlucky Family


Scientists are studying the genetic makeup of the Del Sontro family for telltale mutations or aberrations in the long sequence of three billion chemicals that make up human DNA.

“I get bored if I'm not made up,” said Naoko. She gets up at 5 a.m. and spends at least two hours applying false eyelashes, false hair extensions, layers of foundation and other complicated makeup procedures.
Like most Japanese women, doll impersonators stop short of cosmetic surgery.


Goldman Sachs Dictionary Reveals Hidden Truth: Jonathan Weil
All the senators need to follow the testimony is a handy-dandy Goldmanese-to-English dictionary, excerpts from which will be provided shortly. .

Failed Car Bomb in Times Square Could Have Made ‘Fireball’

Officials offered a more detailed description of the bomb’s makeup and were reviewing surveillance footage of a man walking away from the area where the S.U.V. had been parked.

Like most Japanese women, doll impersonators stop short of cosmetic surgery.
stop short
1. Also, stop one short. Check abruptly, as in When we tried to cross the street, the barrier stopped us short[Early 1300s]
2. Cause someone to stop speaking, as in I was about to tell them the date when my father stopped me short[Late 1800s]

3. stop short of. Not go so far as to do or say something. For example, He may embroider the truth but he stops short of actually lying. This usage was first recorded in 1818.

stop short of

Not go as far as (some extreme action):the measures stopped short of establishing direct trade links


n. (hănd"*dăn`d)A child's play, one child guessing in which closed hand the other holds some small object, winning the object if right and forfeiting an equivalent if wrong; hence, forfeit. Piers Plowman.

  1. A brilliantly burning sphere.
  2. A highly luminous, intensely hot spherical cloud of dust, gas, and vapor generated by a nuclear explosion.
  3. A meteor that is as bright or brighter than the brightest planets.
fireball, very bright meteor leaving a trail in the sky that can remain visible for several minutes; often a distinct sound, perhaps caused by very low frequency radio waves, is associated with it. A bolide ('līd) is a fireball that explodes in the air because of thermal stresses created when it passes through the earth's atmosphere.


Line breaks: im|per¦son|ate
Pronunciation: /ɪmˈpəːs(ə)neɪt /


Pretend to be (another person) for entertainment or fraud:it’s a very serious offence to impersonate a police officer


early 17th century (in the sense 'personify'): from in-2'into' + Latin persona 'person', on the pattern ofincorporate.




Definition of make-up


[mass noun]
  • 1cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face, used to enhance or alter the appearance: she came downstairs, her face still white under her heavy make-up [with modifier]:stage make-up [as modifier]:chief make-up artist
  • 2the composition or constitution of something:ozone damages the cellular make-up of plants and trees
  • the combination of qualities that form a person’s temperament:a curiously unexpected timidity in his make-up
  • 3 Printing the arrangement of text, illustrations, etc. on a printed page:page make-up
4 [count noun] North American a supplementary test or assignment given to a student who missed or failed the original one: I would have flunked the course but she let me write a make-up


