2015年8月6日 星期四

Good Samaritan, chuck, customer, technical speaking,

 "It is time for me to chuck in the sponge," he said in 2012, announcing his retirement. "The heart for it has gone out of me."

A king of England chucked his crown to marry the woman he loved.

Debut Poetry Collection Coming From James Franco
By DAVE ITZKOFF February 14, 2013

Perhaps the only way that James Franco could surprise us now with his unpredictable creative pursuits is if he simply chucked them all to spend time splitting rocks at his local quarry. And yet Mr. Franco, the artist, author and actor (whose films include "Milk" and "127 Hours"), continues to add to his eclectic résumé, announcing plans on Monday to publish his first book of poetry.
以詹姆斯·弗兰科(James Franco) 不可预知的创作追求,如今他唯一能让我们吃惊的方法,可能就是回家乡的采石场劈石头。但是艺术家、作家兼演员(他出演的电影包括《米尔克》[Milk]和 《127小时》[127 Hours])弗兰科先生宣布周一(2012年12月17日——译注)出版第一本诗集,继续为他丰富的简历增光添彩。

HC評: 此段翻譯漏譯嚴重


(chŭk) pronunciation
tr.v., chucked, chuck·ing, chucks.
  1. To pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin.
    1. To throw or toss: chucked stones into the water.
    2. Informal. To throw out; discard: chucked my old sweater.
    3. Informal. To force out; eject: chucking out the troublemakers.
  2. Informal. To give up; quit: chucked her job.
  1. An affectionate pat or squeeze under the chin.
  2. A throw, toss, or pitch.
[Variant of chock, possibly from French choc, knock, blow. See shock1.]

Definition of chuck


[with object]
  • 1throw (something) carelessly or casually:someone chucked a brick through the window figurativechucking money at the problem won’t solve it
  • Cricket (of a bowler) deliver (a ball) with an unlawful action.
  • (often chuck something away/out) throw (something) away:they make a living out of stuff people chuck away
  • 2 end a relationship with (a partner):Mary chucked him for another guy
  • give up (a job or activity):Richard chucked in his course
  • (chuck it) dated stop doing something: chuck it, Ross!


  • 1a throw.
  • 2 (the chuck) British a dismissal or rejection: he’s still wondering why and how Mrs T got the chuck


chuck it down

British rain heavily.

Phrasal Verbs

chuck someone out

force someone to leave a building:their landlord chucked them out last night

chuck up

vomit:I nearly chucked up





late 17th century (as a verb): from chuck2


看到談'technical speaking'的心得摘要。
據《 英漢大詞典》(譯文版),'technical' 的解釋: 「嚴格根據法律(或規則)的、嚴格照字面解釋的、技術性的。」.

technical foul 技術犯規;technical knockout (拳擊賽的)技術得勝;
technical sergeant 美國陸軍上士或空軍技術軍士…等詞目。

Webster's 1913 Dictionary的定義相當寬:
technically \Tech"nic*al*ly\, adv.
In a technical manner; according to the signification of
terms as used in any art, business, or profession.
(按:signification noun [C] SPECIALIZED the meaning (of a word) )
所以technically speaking 指可以用在任何藝術類、商業上或任何專業上使用的詞的意義而言。

【丁連財先生在書林書店網站和翻譯工作坊(2004/6/21 )的專文說道:「自由時報6月12日39版左方 馬克安東尼 急婚頭恐無效 (急著和珍妮佛洛培茲結婚)那則新聞的第六行,出現台灣媒體與翻譯界因為英文程度不佳,而出現的誤譯:

technically or technically speaking 在英英字典的解釋:according to the exact meaning, fact, etc. (Oxford);according to the exact details of a rule or law (Longman);according to a strict way of understanding the meaning of a rule or a set of facts (MacMillan) 。比較好的英漢字典(包括華文世界中品牌較佳的東華英漢大辭典),除了列出技術、技術上這種國中程度的英文解釋之外,都會加上嚴格來說、就法律做嚴格解釋而言的解釋。

此則新聞明顯誤解原文 technically or technically speaking 的意思。


1南北韓在韓戰後只簽署停戰協定(truce),沒有簽訂和平條約(peace treaty),就技術而言,雙方仍處於交戰狀態(technically speaking , they are still at war)


2004.7.8   hc讀了,覺得不錯,寫道:「謝謝(對於technically speaking的正卻英文解釋)。不過,這樣翻譯成「嚴格來說」,會不會與strictly speaking(being completely accurate)


hc 特別上網查了十頁的日文引言,就technical speaking 找出兩翻譯(使用頻繁的「就專業技術而言」,就不列舉了。)
Technically speaking,... 有兩種翻譯:「就法義上而言」(法的に言うと……です) ;「就專門的學科的定義而言」(専門的に言うと)。


tech • ni • cal
1 技術上の, 技芸上の
technical skill
2 専門的な;専門用語使用の;(…について)細かな点まで具体的な((about ...))
technical terms
3 (技芸・職業に)熟達した, 精通した.
4 工業技術の, 応用科学の
technical advances
5 厳密な法解釈に従う;法則上からみた
in the technical sense
6 〈市況が〉人為操作的な.
7 技術的にむずかしい
a technical ski run

'technically speaking' 的一些用法舉例:

I feel bright green. I think I am less a novelist than a queasy cleric, taking down the minutes of real life. Technically speaking, I am also, I suppose, an accessory before the fact, but to hell with all that for now. I woke up today and thought: If London is a spider's web, then where do I fit?

However, technically speaking 親切 is what is represented by the act of Good Samaritan in the Bible, meaning going out of one's way to help, but this does not necessarily mean he is 優しい, which means that he is gentle of disposition and sweet-tempered. ...

Technically speaking
, the year 2000 is not in the twenty-first century',

Such issue is not capable of being eliminated by the monitor's control. Technically speaking, the large size of CRT monitor is much difficult to make it perfect at all. This G520 has already kept such issue at a minimal level. I believe that CRT technology will be an end game after 2003. ...

Jack : So what you are saying is that I can use it at the cafe you visited? Mary : Technically speaking, yes. However in order to use such services, you have to first sign an agreement with the service provider. Jack : I see. Can I use this service at locations other than cafes? Mary : Absolutely! ...

The exploitation of dance can be seen in Blue Heart, even though that play does not technically speaking make use of dance. The repetition, with slight variations and at different ...

Technically speaking it is not legal to keep any of the 4 protected subspecies, whether they are CB or not in most countries where the herb hobby is popular.
我認為或許讀者願意到劍橋大學出版社辭典去查一下 其他諸如properly speaking 等的用法。



'One useful portrayal of the Deming philosophy, the Joiner Triangle, shows this concern with the customer.' (顧客滿意等學問,請參考「第四代管理」和鍾漢清主編、

customer noun [C] a person who buys goods or a service:例子:
a satisfied customer
Mrs. Wilson is one of our regular customers.

custom (TRADE) noun [U]
the support given to a business, especially a shop, by the people who buy things or services from it:
Most of our custom comes from tourists nowadays.
If we don't give good service, people will take their custom elsewhere. 】

例如:難應付的人 a tough customer
the fish is a slippery customer and very hard to catch
cool customer INFORMAL
someone who stays calm and does not show their emotions, even in a difficult situation】

The customer is always right. SAYING
said to emphasize that in business, it is very important not to disagree with a customer or make them angry

customer services plural noun
the part of an organization which answers customers' questions, exchanges goods which have been damaged, etc.
負責這種顧客服務的人即稱為customer services representative ,簡稱csr。

網路書店多有所謂CUSTOMER REVIEW/RATING 等項目,讓「顧客」表達其「偏見」。
晚近在品質管理上特別重視「顧客的真正心聲」(voice of the customer)。

20世紀30年代起,美國的通信業、零售業等開始認識行銷和廣告為企業重要一環,可以用統計學等工具來幫忙處理。這種研究稱為customer research。

 informal a heavy drinker.

However, technically speaking 親切 is what is represented by the act of Good Samaritan in the Bible, meaning going out of one's way to help, but this does not necessarily mean he is 優しい, which means that he is gentle of disposition and sweet-tempered. ...

The parable of the Good Samaritan is a parable told by Jesus and is mentioned in only one of the gospels of the New Testament. According to the Gospel of Luke (10:29–37) a traveller (who may or may not have been a Jew[1]) is stripped of clothing, beaten, and left half dead along the road. First a priest and then a Levite come by, but both avoid the man. Finally, a Samaritan comes by. Samaritans and Jews generally despised each other, but the Samaritan helps the injured man. Jesus is described as telling the parable in response to a question regarding the identity of the "neighbour", whom Leviticus 19:18 says should be loved.

好撒馬利亞人的比喻英語Parable of the Good Samaritan)是基督教文化中一個很著名的成語口頭語,意為:好心人、見義勇為者



