2015年8月6日 星期四

diverticulum, pouch, sac, drinks pouches

This pouch, decorated with the Nasrid shield and motto, "There is no Victor but God," may have held a section of a small Qur'an. A French inscription on a piece of paper found inside the pouch at the time of purchase claimed that it belonged to the last sultan of Granada, Muhammad XII.
Featured Artwork of the Day: Qur'an case | second half 15th century | Spain, possibly Granada http://met.org/1MsvsQf

Technology developed at the University of Cambridge lies at the heart of a commercial process that can turn toothpaste tubes and drinks pouches into both aluminium and fuel in just three minutes. And it all started with a burnt bacon roll...
Technology developed at the University of Cambridge lies at the heart of a...

譬如說 1940/3/13 腸子外生小袋 有發炎之虞 稱為diverticulum

腸之盲孔 diverticulum
('vûr-tĭk'yə-ləm) pronunciation
n., pl., -la (-lə).
A pouch or sac branching out from a hollow organ or structure, such as the intestine.
[名](複-la 〔-l〕)《解剖学》憩室, 側室:腔(くう)につながる袋状の管.
[New Latin, from Latin dēverticulum, by-path, from dēvertere, to turn aside : dē-, de- + vertere, to turn; see divert.]
diverticular di'ver·tic'u·lar adj.

[名]《生物》嚢(のう), 液嚢
the ink sac of an octopus
[名]1 (小さな物を入れる)小袋, 布袋, ポーチ;郵便袋, 郵袋;(兵隊の)革製弾薬袋.2 小さな財布.3 ((通例〜es))目の下の肉のたるみ.4 《解剖学・動物学・植物》嚢(のう), 袋...

Capri Sun: Wholesome Fruit Juice Drinks for Kids | Capri Sun


The Power of Pouch Packaging: Drink Pouches Are Making a Comeback

If you were a kid growing up during the nineties or if you had a kid during this time, then you probably vividly recall how important it was to pack a Capri-Sun at lunch. All the cool kids sipped and slurped that delicious fruit flavored juice drink blend out of those awesome pouches and then played with the empty pouch when they were done — it’s okay to admit you did it, too.
If you’re taking a trip down memory lane, then great news for those of you out there who have noticed a lack of pouches filled with tasty drinks in your life. Pouches are coming back and are being incorporated into all age groups from toddlers to adults. The year of the pouch is upon us, so get ready!
- See more at: http://www.qualitylogoproducts.com/blog/power-pouch-packaging/#sthash.kSk3IZnl.dpuf


