2024年12月25日 星期三

cubit, dwarfing, dwarfism, pygmy, bonobo, vial, cervical. will face the rising costs of the social safety net programs and interest expenses, which dwarf government spending.

  • Trump and Musk Want to Cut Billions From the Budget. It Won’t Be Easy.

    President-elect Trump and Elon Musk will face the rising costs of the social safety net programs and interest expenses, which dwarf government spending.

  • The mutual admiration formed so early by the director and the writer resulted in their several notable collaborations, including 1949's “The Fallen Idol,” which Bosley Crowther, in The New York Times, called “a major delight of the season, a wonderful new film,” and added:

    “The suave and incisive Carol Reed. . has added another cubit to his stature. . .For not only has he got excitement of a most sharp and urbane sort in this film, but he has got in it one of the keenest revelations of a child that we have ever had on the screen.”

Juli Windsor: The runner with dwarfism who stands 3'9" tall, on what it takes to run a marathon, and why she wouldn't let the Boston bombers put her off: http://bbc.in/1GotIRc

In the laboratory where he works, Dr. Charlier opened the blue-topped vial numbered R01131 to reveal red-orange flecks: samples of Henri IV’s cervical muscles. “Looks like saffron, no?” he said.在他工作的實驗室里,沙利耶博士開啟了編號為R01131的藍蓋小瓶,露出橘紅色的小顆粒:亨利四世的頸部肌肉。“看起來像藏紅花的顏色,不是嗎?”他說。

Good Night Moon! As we’ve seen over the past few days, artists have a long history of tackling and interpreting the sky at night.
In “New Moon and Evening Star,” George Elbert Burr portrays the serene evening desert. What do you think Burr was suggesting by devoting over half of the print to the night sky, while dwarfing the mountains? Why do you think he chose this particular composition?

Ronald Reagan’s Blood To Be Auctioned

An auction house is selling what it claims is an empty vial with "residue" from blood drawn from the former president.

The cubit is an ancient unit of length that had several definitions according to each of the various cultures that used the unit. These definitions typically ranged between 444 and 529.2 mm (17.48 and 20.83 in), with an ancient Roman cubit ...

n., pl., -bos.
An anthropoid ape (Pan paniscus) of north-central Congo (formerly Zaire), having black hair and more arboreal habits than the common chimpanzee (P. troglodytes). Also called pygmy chimpanzee.


  • 発音記号[váiəl]
[名](ガラス製の)小瓶, 薬瓶, 香水瓶
a vial of toothpicks
pour out vials of wrath on ...

n., pl., -mies, also -mies.
  1. Greek Mythology. A member of a race of dwarfs.
  2. also pygmy A member of any of various peoples, especially of equatorial Africa and parts of southeast Asia, having an average height less than 5 feet (152 centimeters). Not in scientific use.
  3. pygmy
    1. An individual of unusually small size.
    2. An individual considered to be of little or no importance.
  1. also pygmy Of or relating to the Pygmies. Not in scientific use.
  2. pygmy
    1. Unusually or atypically small.
    2. Unimportant; trivial.
[Middle English pigmie, from Latin Pygmaeī, the Pygmies, from Greek Pugmaioi, from pugmē, cubit, fist.]

1 《人類》ピグミー:アフリカなどの小人族.
2 ((p-))小人(のような人), 一寸法師(dwarf);ごく小さい物[動物, 植物].
3 ((p-))無知[無能]な人.
4 《ギリシャ神話》ピュグマイオイ:アフリカなどにいると想像された矮人(わいじん)族.
1 ((しばしばp-))ピグミーの.
2 ((p-))小形の, 非常に小さい;取るに足らない;無能な.
[ラテン語←ギリシャ語pygmaîos (pygmé13½インチ, ひじからこぶしまでの長さ+-aios形容詞語尾)]

Alexander Safonov / Getty Images
Denise's Pygmy Seahorse
The reef also features the highest diversity of coral reef fishes in the world.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2020841_2192154,00.html#ixzz10UsFxICD
  • 発音記号[sə'ːrvikəl]
1 子宮の;子宮頸部(けいぶ)[頸管]の
cervical cancer
cervical screening
cervical smear
2 首の, 頸部の.

dwarf Line breaks: dwarf

Definition of dwarf in English:

noun (plural dwarfs or dwarves /dwɔːvz/)

1(In folklore or fantasy literature) a member of amythical race of short, stocky human-like creatureswho are generally skilled in mining and metalworking.
1.1A person who is of unusually or abnormally smallstature because of a medical condition; a person affected by dwarfism.
1.2offensive A very short person.
1.3[AS MODIFIER] Denoting something, especially an animal or plant, which is much smaller than the usual size for its type or species:a dwarf conifer
2(also dwarf star)Astronomy A star of relatively small size and lowluminosity, including the majority of main sequence stars.


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1Cause to seem small or insignificant in comparison:the buildings surround and dwarf All Saints church
1.1Stunt the growth or development of:(as adjective dwarfedthe dwarfed but solid branch of a tree




Pronunciation: /ˈdwɔːfɪʃ/


Old English dweorgdweorh, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch dwerg and German Zwerg.


