The subject was reduced to a case, which brought him or her down to a
common level of all other cases of the kind; the anti-hero was the the
final aspect of the eminent. p.792
was reduced 都被翻成"壓縮"
"任何著名人士歸根到底都是反英雄" or "反英雄才是真正傑出一面 "p.1314
noun [C usually singular]
the central character in a play, book or film who does not possess traditionally heroic qualities, such as bravery, and is admired instead for what society generally considers to be a weakness of their character:
He plays the classic anti-hero who drops out of society to join a world of impoverished artists and writers.
Tuchman , Barbara Wertheim( 1912–1989)的訪談,可參考Bill Moyers《美國心靈》(A WORLD OF IDEAS)(北京:三聯,第3-17頁)。她力陳:
英雄的定義為 A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life。
不過,現代人都將名人當英雄(A person noted for special achievement in a particular field: the heroes of medicine. See synonyms at celebrity.)--這叫 folk hero
hero (PERSON) (plural heroes) Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 (FEMALE heroine) a person who is admired for having done something very brave or having achieved something great:
a war hero
He became a national hero for his part in the revolution.
HUMOROUS Graham says he'll take my parents to the airport at four o'clock in the morning - what a hero!
See also anti-hero.
2 (FEMALE heroine) the main male character in a book or film who is usually good:
the hero of her latest novel
3 someone who you admire greatly:
Humphrey Bogart's my hero - I've seen every one of his films.
heroic Show phonetics
1 very brave or great:
a heroic act/deed
2 INFORMAL If you make a heroic attempt or effort to do something, you try very hard to do it:
Despite Roz's heroic efforts to liven it up, the party was a disaster.
heroically Show phonetics
bravely or with a lot of effort:
She fought heroically against the disease.
heroics Show phonetics
risky or foolish actions which are only done to make other people admire you:
I was in no mood for heroics after my fall and skied very slowly down the mountainside.
heroism Show phonetics
noun [U]
great bravery:
an act of heroismfolk hero noun [C]
someone who is popular with and respected by ordinary people:
The mayor is still a folk hero in Chicago's black community.
━━ n. (pl. ~es; fem. heroine) 英雄; 【ギリシア神話】神人; 主人公; =hero sandwich.
Join us in celebrating everyday heroes who risk their lives to help others and
whose selfless acts and stories of bravery are sure to inspire.