2014年12月7日 星期日

suburb, suburban, urban/job sprawl, urbanisation, drift,mongrel, interbreeding

The shift in population from countryside to cities across the world is often called the “great urbanisation”. It is a misleading term. This is not the great urbanisation. It is the great suburbanisation. Read our essay “A planet of suburbs” via http://econ.st/1G07ffq
The world is becoming ever more suburban, and the better for it.

Early Human Interbreeding More Widespread Than Thought, Study Suggests4



True, in Detroit’s case matters seem to have been made worse by political and social dysfunction. One consequence of this dysfunction has been a severe case of “job sprawl” within the metropolitan area, with jobs fleeing the urban core even when employment in greater Detroit was still rising, and even as other cities were seeing something of a city-center revival.
的確,對於底特律的情況,政治和社會失靈加劇了問題。這種失靈的一個後果是,在底特律及周邊地區,就業崗位向外蔓延(job sprawl)的情況十分嚴重,儘管底特律地區的就業水平仍在提高,而且其他城市還出現了某種類似中心城區復興的情況,但就業崗位還是逃離了底特律市中 心。


Cooperation and competition in the auto industry

The car industry is a sprawling web of interlocking partnerships. But not
all strategic alliances succeed. Back in the 1970s, Volkswagen and Porsche
built a car together. It sold fairly well in the US, but German consumers
rejected the "Volkswagen Porsche" as a mongrel. It's a lesson today's
executives should remember as they negotiate alliances to access new
markets and share development costs.

The DW-WORLD.DE Article

Line breaks: sub¦urb
Pronunciation: /ˈsʌbəːb 

Definition of suburb in English:


An outlying district of a city, especially a residentialone:a highly respectable suburb of Chicagoworking-class suburblife is much better in the suburbs


Middle English: from Old French suburbe or Latinsuburbium, from sub- 'near to' + urbsurb- 'city'.


(mŭng'grəl, mŏng'-) pronunciation
  1. An animal or a plant resulting from various interbreedings, especially a dog of mixed or undetermined breed.
  2. A cross between different breeds, groups, or varieties, especially a mixture that is or appears to be incongruous.
Of mixed origin or character.

[Middle English, probably from mong, mixture, from Old English gemang.]
mongrelism mon·grel'ism n.
mongrelly mon'grel·ly adv.


Syllabification: (in·ter·breed)
Pronunciation: /ˌintərˈbrēd/
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verb (past and past participle interbred)

  • (with reference to an animal) breed or cause to breed with another of a different race or species: [no object]wolves and dogs can interbreed
  • [no object] (of an animal) inbreed: (as noun interbreeding)their energy and physique had been sapped by interbreeding


Pronunciation: /sprɔːl/
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[no object, with adverbial]
  • sit, lie, or fall with one’s arms and legs spread out in an ungainly way:the door shot open, sending him sprawling across the pavement she lay sprawled on the bed
  • spread out over a large area in an untidy or irregular way:the town sprawled along several miles of cliff top (as adjective sprawling)the sprawling suburbs


[usually in singular]
  • an ungainly or carelessly relaxed position in which one’s arms and legs are spread out:she fell into a sort of luxurious sprawl
  • a group or mass of something that has spread out in an untidy or irregular way:a sprawl of buildings
  • [mass noun] the disorganized and unattractive expansion of an urban or industrial area into the adjoining countryside:the growth of urban sprawl





Old English spreawlian 'move the limbs convulsively'; related to Danish sprælle 'kick or splash about'. The noun dates from the early 18th century



The men anointed to be China's next generation of leaders rarely say much in public. So when a speech given by Li Keqiang – widely assumed to be the successor to premier Wen Jiabao in 2012 – was published in June, it was pored over for any tips about his policy priorities. 几位选定的中国下一代领导人在公开场合往往言语不多。因此,普遍认为将在2012年接替国务院总理温家宝的李克强6月份发表的一篇文章,得到了人们的仔细研读,希望从中找到有关其政策重点的蛛丝马迹。
Most of what Mr Li had to say was standard rhetoric but the striking aspect of the speech was the emphasis he placed on urbanisation. “Accelerating urbanisation is an important part of economic restructuring,” he said. 李克强必须谈的大部分内容都是标准辞令,但其中引人注目的一点是他对城镇化的重视:“加快城镇化进程是经济结构调整的重要内容。”
China has been urbanising rapidly for much of the past 30 years but it is only recently that the issue has become a priority in Beijing. Policymakers see urbanisation as a potential solution to many of the economic challenges they face – most importantly, as a way of unleashing the hidden potential of Chinese consumers, which they hope will reduce the need for public investment and lower the trade surplus. 过去30年的大部分时间,中国一直在快速城镇化,但直到最近,这项议题才成为政府工作重点。政策制定者认为,城镇化有可能解决自身面对的许多经济挑战,最重要的是,它有可能成为释放中国消费者隐藏潜力的一条途径。他们希望,这将会降低对政府投资的需求,减少贸易顺差。
Yet it will take more than just moving larger numbers of people to cities to encourage Chinese to consume more. It also depends on how the urbanisation is conducted. That means some tough political choices for Mr Li and his colleagues. 然而,要鼓励中国人增加消费,需要的不仅仅是将更多人口迁移到城市。它还取决于城镇化的开展方式。这意味着李克强和他的同事面临着一些艰难的政治抉择。
China has avoided the slums that scar the cities of so many developing countries by operating a strict system of residential permits – known as hukou – which make it hard for people from rural areas to move permanently to cities. There is a cost, though. Under the hukou system, only official city residents have access to education and other services. The result is that the country's 200m migrant workers are treated as second-class citizens. 中 国实施的是一套严格的居住许可证体系,即户口制度,让农村地区的人口难以永久搬到城市居住,因而没有出现许多发展中国家城市的疮疤——贫民窟。但这样做也 是有代价的。根据户籍制度,只有正式城市居民才有权享受城市中提供的教育和其它公共服务。其结果是,中国的2亿农民工被当作二等公民对待。
Reforming the hukou is a central part of any plan to boost consumption. If migrant workers and their families were allowed to settle in cities, they would buy houses and spend their incomes in local shops rather than saving to send money home. But to abolish the hukou means finding new sources of revenue for local governments – a subject that has proved politically treacherous. 在任何促进消费的计划中,户口制度改革都是中心环节。如果允许农民工及其家庭在城市定居,他们就会购买房产,将收入花在当地商铺,而不是存起来寄回老家。但废除户口制度,意味着要为地方政府找到新的收入来源——一个已被证明充满政治危险性的议题。
The pattern in which cities develop will also affect the economic impact of urbanisation. Chinese planners want to create densely populated urban areas, which would make it easier to deliver public services, promote the retail sector and encourage energy efficiency by reducing the need for private cars. 城市发展模式还会影响城镇化的经济效果。中国的规划者们希望创造人口密集的城区,以便更容易提供公共服务,促进零售业发展,并通过减少私家车需求来鼓励降低能耗。
The pattern in most Chinese cities, however, is one of sprawl. Local governments raise a lot of their funds by selling land, which encourages them to grab plots of farmland on the outskirts, constantly expanding the boundaries of the city. If Beijing wants to garner the benefits from urbanisation that Mr Li is banking on, it will need to find new ways to prevent urban sprawl. 然而,中国大多数城市的发展模式都是四处扩张型的。地方政府通过售地筹集了大量资金,这鼓励了他们大规模征用郊区农地,不断扩大城市边界。如果中国政府希望取得李克强所指望的城镇化的好处,就需要找到新办法,阻止城市的无序扩张。


v. intr. - 漂, 漂流, 吹積, 漂泊, 遊蕩, 漸漸趨向
v. tr. - 使漂流, 使吹積
n. - 漂流, 漂流物, 漂移, 堆積物


