2014年12月7日 星期日

mettle, picky, grille, grilled, grilling,

Now that oil prices have fallen by almost 40% in six months, fracking firms’ mettle is being tested. Across America shale-shocked executives will spend Christmas overhauling their strategies to cope with life at $70 per barrel http://econ.st/1w5lwpN

After the central bank’s radical moves, now is the time for the prime minister to show his mettle

Odd homes in U.S. turn off bankers
A mortgage mess is brewing in homes made of earth, tires, concrete and trash, as banks become pickier in deciding whether and how much to lend.

Berlin's EU Commission nominee faces parliamentary grilling

Günther Oettinger faces questioning by the European Parliament on
Thursday. If parliamentarians do not approve of him or any other nominee,
they have the power to rejecte the entire slate of commissioners.

The DW-WORLD Article

FARO, Portugal (AP) -- A British couple named as suspects in the disappearance of their 4-year-old daughter left Portugal on Sunday, days after being grilled by Portuguese police about new forensic evidence authorities believe ties them to the case.

wsj 兩例:

FCC Chairman Martin was grilled by lawmakers as he faced tough questioning from House Democrats over a number of his policies.

Rep. Ed Whitfield, the Kentucky Republican who chairs the House Energy and Commerce Committee's subcommittee on investigations, said he intends to grill Mr. Hurd on the matter, and whether the H-P CEO also knew such tactics were potentially illegal. "We're going to ask him a lot of questions and get the facts out," Mr. Whitfield said in an interview.

Anxious about meeting a key hiring manager? Your job-search jitters may soon intensify when you confront the ultimate stress test: a panel of interviewers.

Group grilling has long been popular among academics, government agencies and nonprofit organizations -- sectors that prefer decisions by a consensus of constituencies. As the job market becomes more competitive for people at every level, this practice is spreading to law firms, management consultancies and high-tech businesses. Employers, who now have the luxury of being picky with candidates, see selection committees as an efficient way to measure applicants' mettle under fire.

小組面試這種方式久已被學術機構、政府單位和非贏利組織所採用﹐這些機構部門傾向於在所有面試官達成共識的基礎上做決定。隨著各層次人才的求職競 爭越來越激烈﹐這種做法也流行至律師事務所、管理咨詢公司和高科技企業。如今﹐獨享尊榮的雇主大可以對應聘者們挑挑揀揀﹐在他們看來﹐小組面試是考量求職 者在壓力之下的真本質的一個有效方法。
noun [C]
a frame of metal bars used to cover something such as a window or a machine:
a security grille
A grille separated the prisoners from their visitors.

grill (QUESTION) Show phoneticsverb [T]
to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time:
After being grilled by the police for two days, Johnson signed a confession.
Her parents would grill her about where she'd been.
grilling Show phoneticsnoun [C usually singular] INFORMAL
She faced a grilling (= being asked lots of questions) when she got home.

mettle Show phoneticsnoun [U]
ability and determination when competing or doing something difficult:
The German athletes showed/proved their mettle in the final round.
The real test of her political mettle came in the May elections.

met • tle
on one's mettle, (全1件)
1 (人・馬などの)気性, 気質.
2 ((文))元気, 気概, 勇気, 決断力.
on [upon] one's mettle
発奮[奮起]して, 全力を振り絞って
putset] a person on his mettle

adj. Informal, -i·er, -i·est.
Excessively meticulous; fussy.


