2023年12月2日 星期六

the hold, climate, acclimate, sexual climate survey, inure, enure, harden, lay hold of, blank, acclimatized, 順応[順化]

McCarthy, Laboring to Adjust After the Speakership, Eyes Exiting Congress

Kevin McCarthy is still angry at his ouster and has struggled to acclimate. His colleagues expect him to retire, but he is taking his time deciding.

UNIVERSITY | On Monday, University President Peter Salovey announced the launch of a public survey of campus sexual climate for the Association of American Universities — the organization’s second nationwide survey on sexual misconduct at institutions of higher education.
Serena Cho reports.

It comes despite Russian and British investigations claiming the plane was brought down after a bomb is believed to have been stored in the hold with an Isis affiliate claiming the attack in November.

Yale Daily News
11月16日 21:12 ·

UNIVERSITY: Alumni voice opinions on campus climate
“A number of alumni have contacted me, primarily through email, expressing support for our minority students, as well as an interest in making sure that Yale is a campus where there can be a free exchange of ideas — and I think it’s important to note that many of these email messages express both sentiments,” Salovey told the News.

【8/28新聞想想】日本二戰擴張 亞洲各國想法各異
日本首相安倍晉三日前的二戰紀念談話並不為中韓接受,其中有一部份原因和他是岸信介的孫子有關,另一部份則是未清楚表達對侵略和慰安婦的說法。安倍的想法中,日本在贏得日俄戰爭後挑戰西方主導的世界秩序,但「走錯了路」。當年日本並不視自己為侵略者,而是解放亞洲各國的解放者,他們甚至激勵了各國的民族主義者,如中國的毛澤東和後來成為印度獨立後首任總理的尼赫魯(Jawaharlal Nehru)。在某些國家,武裝反叛者亦和日本結盟合作,例如緬甸的翁山和印度的激進獨立運動領袖Subhas Chandra Bose。

A 92-YEAR-OLD politician may be inured to insults, however outrageous his alleged transgression. Even so Lee Teng-hui, Taiwan’s president from 1988 to 2000, may...Leyla Yunus, an imprisoned human rights defender in Azerbaijan, can bear it all. Physical pain, pressure from hardened prisoners, visits from the prosecutor’s office. "Most difficult of all is you are not nearby," she writes to her husband. After 36 years of being together, the country's authoritarian president has separated them http://econ.st/1hQ3p1I

 No Biographers of his Calibre spend their Time there. Stop—this is Weakness and Fear speaking; first I must be contented with myself, in Solitude, before I meet another Biographer. I must acclimate to my Life without Boswell.

Tolerance: the person becomes acclimatized, requiring increasing amounts of Internet time to get that "buzz."


Slide Show SLIDE SHOW: Adjusting on and Off the Course
Chie Arimura, a 25-year-old professional golfer from Japan, came to the United States on her own and has struggled to acclimate.

....her face hardened.

climate Line breaks: cli|mate
Pronunciation: /ˈklʌɪmət/

Definition of climate in English:


1The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period:our cold, wet climate[MASS NOUN]: agricultural development is constrained by climate
1.1A region with a particular climate:he had grown up in a hot climate
1.2The prevailing trend of public opinion or of another aspect of life:the current economic climate


Late Middle English: from Old French climat or late Latin climaclimat-, from Greek klima 'slope, zone', from klinein 'to slope'. The term originally denoted a zone of the earth between two lines of latitude, then any region of the earth, and later, a region considered with reference to its atmospheric conditions. Compare with clime.

lay hold of

Grasp, seize on, as in He clutched at branches, shrubs, anything he could lay hold of to break his fall. [First half of 1500s] Also see get hold of.



[no object] (often acclimate to) chiefly North American
  • acclimatize:helping freshmen to acclimate to college life
  •  Biology respond physiologically or behaviourally to a change in a single environmental factor:trees may acclimate to high CO2 levels by reducing the number of stomataCompare with acclimatize.
  •  [with object] Botany & Horticulture harden off (a plant).




late 18th century: from French acclimater, from a- (from Latin ad 'to, at') + climat 'climate'


ac • cli • mate
ǽkləmèit, əkláimət
acclimated (過去形) • acclimated (過去分詞) • acclimating (現在分詞) • acclimates (三人称単数現在)

[動](他)(自)((米))〈人・動植物を[が]〉(新しい風土・環境・情況に)順応[順化]させる[する](adapt)((to ...)).

blank (blăngk) pronunciationadj., blank·er, blank·est.
    1. Devoid of writing, images, or marks: a blank page; a blank screen.
    2. Containing no information; unrecorded or erased: a blank tape; a blank diskette.
  1. Not completed or filled in: a blank questionnaire.
  2. Not having received final processing; unfinished: a blank key.
    1. Lacking expression; expressionless: "Although his gestures were elaborate, his face was blank" (Nathanael West). See synonyms at empty.
    2. Appearing or seeming to appear dazed or confused: greeted me with a blank stare.
  3. Devoid of thought or impression: a blank mind.
  4. Devoid of activity, interest, or distinctive character; empty: tried to fill the blank hours of the day.
  5. Absolute; complete: a blank refusal.
  1. An empty space or place; a void: During the exam my mind was a blank.
    1. An empty space on a document to be filled in.
    2. A document with one or more such spaces.
  2. A manufactured article of a standard shape or form that is ready for final processing, as by stamping or cutting: a key blank.
  3. A blank cartridge.
  4. Something worthless, such as a losing lottery ticket.
  5. A mark, usually a dash (-), indicating the omission of a word or of a letter or letters.
  6. The white circle in the center of a target; a bull's-eye.

v., blanked, blank·ing, blanks. v.tr.
  1. To remove, as from view; obliterate: "At times the strong glare of the sun blanked it from sight" (Richard Wright).
  2. To block access to: blank off a subway tunnel.
  3. Sports. To prevent (an opponent) from scoring.
  4. To punch or stamp from flat stock, especially with a die.
  1. To become abstracted. Often used with out: My mind blanked out for a few seconds.
  2. To fail to find or remember something: I blanked when asked the name of our mayor.
  3. To fade away: The music gradually blanked out.
[Middle English, white, having spaces to be filled in, from Old French blanc, white, of Germanic origin.]
blankly blank'ly adv.
blankness blank'ness n.

hard·en (här'dn) pronunciation

, -ened, -en·ing, -ens. v.tr.
  1. To make hard or harder.
  2. To enable to withstand physical or mental hardship.
  3. To make unfeeling, unsympathetic, or callous: "To love love and not its meaning hardens the heart in monstrous ways" (Archibald MacLeish).
  4. To make sharp, as in outline.
  5. To protect (nuclear weapons) by surrounding with earth or concrete.
  1. To become hard or harder.
  2. To rise and become stable. Used of prices.
  3. To become inured.
SYNONYMS harden, acclimate, acclimatize, season, toughen. These verbs mean to make resistant to hardship, especially through continued exposure: was hardened to frontier life; is acclimated to the tropical heat; was acclimatized by long hours to overwork; became seasoned to life in prison; toughened by experience.

in·ure en·ure (ĭn-yʊr') pronunciation
tr.v., -ured, also -ured, -ur·ing, -ur·ing, -ures, -ures.
To habituate to something undesirable, especially by prolonged subjection; accustom: "Though the food became no more palatable, he soon became sufficiently inured to it" (John Barth).
[Middle English, back-formation from enured, customary, from in ure : in, in; see in1 + ure, use (from Old French euvre, uevre, work , from Latin opera, activity associated with work).]
inurement in·ure'ment n.


hard • en
1 〈物を〉堅くする, 固める, 硬化する;((しばしば受身))〈水を〉硬水にする.
2III[名]([副])]〈人・心を〉非情にする, 頑固にする, かたくなにする, 〈性格・感情などを〉強固にする, ますます強化する;((受身))(…に対して)無感覚になる((to ...))
harden a person's convictions
Constant failure hardened him to criticism.
3III[名]([副])]〈体などを〉がんじょうにする, 強健にする, 鍛える
Years of farm work has hardened his body.
4 〈軍事施設を〉核爆撃に備えて補強する;〈ミサイルを〉地下サイロに入れる.
1 〈物が〉堅くなる, 硬化する, 固まる;〈水が〉硬水になる.
2 〈心などが〉無情になる;〈顔つきなどが〉きびしくなる, こわばる.
3 〈人が〉(困難などに)慣れる, 粘り強くなる, 〈事が〉確固たるものとなる, 強固になる.
4 〈市場・物価などが〉落ち着く, 堅調になる, 高くなる, 上がる.

hold 2 Line breaks: hold


A large compartment or space in the lower part of a ship or aircraft in which cargo is stowed.


Late 16th century: from obsolete holl, from Old English hol (see hole). The addition of -d was due to association with hold1.


