2023年12月2日 星期六

trifling , prove consequential, looks like a trifle. on good/bad terms

Elon Musk’s latest challenge—a strike by some 130 mechanics at ten Tesla service workshops in Sweden—looks like a trifle. But read why it may yet prove consequential: https://econ.st/47ZphAY

The exhibitors, with whom I was on good terms, asked only a trifling fee.

on good/bad terms

If two people are on good/bad terms, they have a good/bad relationship with one another:
I've always been on good terms with my neighbours.

trifle (UNIMPORTANT THING) Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 FORMAL a matter or item of little value or importance:
I brought a few trifles back from India - bits of jewellery and material mainly.

2 a trifle slightly:
I'm a trifle confused about the arrangements for tonight.

trifling Show phonetics
adjective FORMAL
A trifling matter or amount of money is small or unimportant:
It was such a trifling sum of money to argue about!


