2023年9月13日 星期三

arms-length, uncontested, turnout, even-handed

An even even-handed account of a flawed visionary
Mr. Ma ran uncontested on Sunday in the election for Kuomintang party chief. He won 92.5 percent of about 300,000 votes cast, with a turnout of 58 percent, the party said.

These are indictments of capitalists, not of capitalism. Capitalism comes in many varieties and the cavalier thesis that less regulation is always better has been exposed as false; but the main features of the liberal market economy – private property rights, smart but even-handed and arms-length regulation, and democratic politics – are uncontested. Capitalism's worst crisis in 70 years has not prompted a serious alternative vision of society.

The arm's length principle (ALP) is the condition or the fact that the parties to a transaction are independent and on an equal footing. Such a transaction is known as an "arm's-length transaction". It is used specifically in contract law to arrange an equitable agreement that will stand up to legal scrutiny, even though the parties may have shared interests (e.g., employer-employee) or are too closely related to be seen as completely independent (e.g., the parties have familial ties).

Not contested: an uncontested divorce; the uncontested leader.

even-handed meaning
fair and impartial 


