2023年9月16日 星期六

otolaryngology, decongestant, nudging. over-the-counter medicines

Why the F.D.A. Took So Long to Tackle a Disputed Cold Remedy

Pharmacists affiliated with the University of Florida have spent decades nudging the agency to pull a decongestant from over-the-counter medicines.

The proper method is to blow one nostril at a time and to take decongestants, said Dr. Anil Kumar Lalwani, chairman of the department of otolaryngologyat the New York University Langone Medical Center. This prevents a buildup of excess pressure.


The branch of medicine that deals with diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. Also called otorhinolaryngology.

otolaryngological o'to·lar·yn'go·log'i·cal (-lə-rĭng'gə-lŏj'ĭ-kəl) adj.
otolaryngologist o'to·lar'yn·gol'o·gist n.
n. - 耳鼻喉學

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 耳咽喉科学


━━ n. (鼻炎用の)うっ血除去薬.


