2023年3月9日 星期四

handed, dexterity, dexterous, lend a hand, helping hand

Digital Dexterity is the result of emerging technology and an organizational culture of change coming together to enable a technology-driven business to execute on its objectives quickly and gain competitive advantage. At this year’s Future Compute, we will examine the technologies and strategies that foster this shift.

A new paper suggests that the virus might be getting a helping hand from atmospheric pollution

They beat him and blinded him...but have to complete just 150 hours of community service as punishment.
Pinchas Braver, 22, and Abraham Winkler, 42, pictured main, and another…

‘Linsanity’ returns to NY as Rockets hand Knicks defeatJeremy Lin (林書豪) put together another signature performance at Madison Square Garden as the Houston Rockets...FULL STORY

Aging: Remaining Socially Active Aids Motor Skills

Older adults who remain socially engaged are less likely to experience declines in motor skills like strength, speed and dexterity, a new study finds

And for those five decades, he was recognized as the most important patient in the history of brain science. As a participant in hundreds of studies, he helped scientists understand the biology of learning, memory and physical dexterity, as well as the fragile nature of human identity.

noun [U]
the ability to perform a difficult action quickly and skilfully with the hands, or the ability to think quickly and effectively:
He caught the ball with great dexterity.
He answered the journalists' questions with all the dexterity of a politician.


━━ n. 器用, 機敏; 抜け目なさ.

dexterous, dextrous
a dexterous movement

dexterous (DEK-struhs, -stuhr-uhs)

1. Skillful or adroit, mentally or bodily.
2. Right-handed.

From Latin dexter (right-hand, skillful)

"Paul Frazier was quietly dexterous on bass, always the stealth weapon in Mr. Byrne's music." — Ann Powers; Same As He Ever Was; The New York Times, May 15, 2001.

dexterously, dextrously

1 [hand A B/hand B to A]〈A(人)にB(物)を〉手渡す;〈AにBを〉(手紙のかたちで)渡す, 送る, (食事中に)回す, 取ってやる((around, round));〈AにBを〉(贈り物・報酬などとして)渡す, 与える
hand a person a check

The messenger handed me the letter [=the letter to me].
was handed the card at the entrance.
2 〈人に〉手を貸す
He handed her out of the car.
3 《海事》〈帆・旗などを〉たたむ.

France and Germany are working together on a possible plan to help Greece resolve its budget problems, according to a person close to French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Some small-business owners, overwhelmed by the time commitment required of marketing their products and services via social media, are hiring consultants to lend a hand.

 您好!本會與輔仁大學合辦之第三屆東亞比較文學會議將於二○○九年十二月十二至十三日(週六、週日)舉行,大會主題為 "Literary Imagologie in East Asia: East Asian Images of Each Other "The study of the phenomenon of literary images of each other in East Asia is still at an early stage of development, unlike in Europe, where Imagologie had an important role in the establishment of Comparative Literature as an academic discipline. This conference will bring together scholars from East Asia and elsewhere who are working on the conference theme.

lend a hand

Also, lend a helping hand. Be of assistance, as in Can you lend them a hand with putting up the flag, or Peter is always willing to lend a helping hand around the house. [Late 1500s]


