It’s time for a fresh, strategic look at the emerging technology and insights required to outpace change.
About 2,000 executions took place in China last year, compared with 1,032 in the rest of the world, human rights groups say.
Berlin Film Festival to Explore Human Fallout From Globalization
The Berlin Film Festival has announced a batch of movies selected for its
main competition with the impact of fast-paced globalization on ordinary
peoples' lives emerging as a major theme of the festival set down for Feb
The DW-WORLD Article
Sony PlayStation 3 Revival Lifts Result
Sony's videogames business is back in the hunt after a year on the defensive. Sales of the company's PlayStation 3 have been outpacing Microsoft's Xbox 360, and have been helped by improved game selection and a 20% price cut.
"in the hunt" 雙關語 一是被追求的熱門產品 又是其遊戲 Wikipedia article "In the Hunt".
verb [T]
to move or develop faster than someone or something else:
Ovett managed to outpace every other runner.
The company has completely outpaced its rivals in the market.
noun [U]
1 the speed at which someone or something moves, or with which something happens or changes:
a slow/fast pace
When she thought she heard someone following her, she quickened her pace.
Could you slow down a bit - I can't keep pace with (= walk or run as fast as) you.
For many years this company has set the pace (= has been the most successful company) in the communications industry.
These changes seem to me to be happening at too fast a pace.
I don't like the pace of modern life.
See also pacemaker (RUNNER); pacemaker (DEVICE).
2 force the pace to make other people in a race go faster by going faster yourself
verb [T]
to establish a speed for someone who is training for a race or running in a race, for example by running with them
pace yourself verb [R]
to be careful not to do something too quickly so that you do not get too tired to finish it
pacy, pacey (pacier, paciest) Show phonetics
adjective UK
A pacy novel/story/film etc. contains a lot of action or events which happen quickly.
adj. - Of communication that proceeds rapidly.
global (WORLD)
relating to the whole world:
a global catastrophe/problem
relating to the whole world:
The company has to be able to compete globally.